History of the World

  • 122

    Neolithic Revolution

    Neolithic Revolution
    Humans have transitioned from living a nomadic life to becoming farmers in 10,000 B.C., the new stone age, in the paleolithic age people relied on hunting and gathering, lived in small hunting and gathering groups that ranged fron 20-30 people. and they waited for the animals that migrated to return each year. After the neolithic revolution happened people learned how to farm and produce their own food, settled into permanent villages, and to domesticate/ tame animals that they once hunted. the
  • 235

    3rd centery crisis

    3rd centery crisis
    the 3rd centurt crisis is important to world history because every one went through a lot including such things as; a civil war, Econimic depression, and some plaque that was more than likely smallpox.
  • 306

    Constanius dies

    Constanius dies
    Contsanius' death was important to world history beacuse it lead to a civil war
  • 312

    Constantine converts Rome to Christianity

    Constantine converts Rome to Christianity
    Constantine converts his religion. The rest of Rome follows suit. Christianity replaces the culture if Rome and leads to the fall of the Empire.
  • 321

    Maurya dynasty

    Maurya dynasty
    Chandragupta created the Maurya dynasty in 321 B.C. and it lasted to 185 B.C.
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    Constantine moves the capital

    Constantine moves the capital
    Constantine basically abandoned the previous capital of Rome to go and build a new one named Constantinople (now days called Istanbul)
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    Alaric destroys Rome

    The city Rome was attacked by te Visigots. The Gothic kingdom replaced western Rome
  • 431

    peleponesian war

    begins 431 BC and lasts 27 years. Persia and Sparta join together in alience to conquer the Athens.
  • 500

    First civilizations: Africa and Asia (3200 B.C.- 500 B.C)

    This event in time was important because During the old kingdom the pharaohs organized a strong centeral state. which helped people get situated and be civilized. New ideas and technologies spread around which is also called cultural diffusion. they devided themselves into social classes. controled how floods and irrigation effected them. advanced their learning exc.
  • Dec 16, 1054

    Lay Investiture controversy

    Lay Investiture controversy
    A regular person granting a bishop power.
  • Oct 10, 1100

    Buddhist centers of worship eliminated when India is invaded

    Buddhist centers of worship eliminated when India is invaded
    india was invaded by Muslims in 1100 A.D. which is when the centers of worship were obviously eleiminated.
  • Nov 5, 1111

    The Trojan war ends

    as a gift to the Trojans the Greeks built the famous Trojan horse to hide their soldiers in and burn Troy to the ground at midnight.
  • Jan 9, 1199

    Prince John

    Prince John
    Prince John (King from 1199-1216) tried to overthrow Richard while he was gone on Crusade. He was the favorite and youngest child
  • Sep 19, 1233

    Indus civilization 2600 B.C.- 1900 B.C.

    This civilization covered the largest amount if land until sargon. and they had plumbing and sewers!
  • Oct 28, 1250

    The Mycenaeans get conquered by the Dorians

    The Trojan War went on for 10 years. when the Mycenaeans won but they were quickly conquered by the Dorians using a woden horse.
  • Nov 5, 1400

    Minoan civilization vanishes

    personally i think that the civilization vanished by a tsunami. there is other theorys like a volcanoe explosion, earth quake, and an invasion.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    about 3 million Americans served during the Vietnam War. and almost 60,000 were killed due to this war, 61% of those killed were under the age of 21 and 5 were only 16.
  • The Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independance. The document that gave us freedom, not all of the men who helped vote for the decision got to sign the doc. This is important to History becuase it more than likely inspired other countries to fight for their freedom.
  • Ain't i a woman Speech

    Ain't i a woman Speech
    Sojourner Truth wrote a famous Speech about womens rights.
  • Abraham Lincoln was killed

    Abraham Lincoln was killed
    John Wilks Booth shot and killed President Abraham Lincoln in a theater in April 1865
  • Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton found the National Woman Suffrage Association.

    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton found the National Woman Suffrage Association.
    These two ladies came togehter to fight for the right to vote.
  • Jesus was born

    Jesus was born
    As most people know Jesus was born 4 years before everyone says he was. And he also wasn't bor on December 25th he was born June 17th 4 BC. This is important because God sent him down to save us all from litterally going though hell.
  • Mexican revolution

    Mexican revolution
    The Mexican Revolution ended the dictator ship in Mexico. This period of violence lasted until 1930.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    This event is important because the people who built the boat said it was unsinkable. There is a lot of interesting facts about the sinking of the titanic but the ones that standed out to me is that 1, the life boats were not full. 2, There was suppose to be a life boat drill the day the boat sank but it got canceled. 3, there was only 2 bathtubs for more than 700 passengers. 4, There was a boat close enough to rescue the passengers. 5, 328 bodies were found and 112 damaged badly.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World war 1 lasted for almost 4 years. and over 30 countrys were involved in the conflict. 9 million soldiers were killed and 21 milllion wounded 10,000 were killed in one day alone.
  • Women are granted the right to vote.

    Women are granted the right to vote.
    In 1920 women have been granted the right to vote.
  • The great Depression

    The great Depression
    The stock market crumbled leaving thousands without jobs.
  • Jesus was crucified

    Jesus was crucified
    Jesus was crucidied on Friday April 3rd 33 AD and rose 3 days later.
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base Pearl Harbor.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was the first military action of the cold war. it lasted only 3 years starting from 1950-1953. over 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives to this war.
  • Color TV wooo

    Color TV wooo
    Color TV was inv ented in 1951. Back when it was first invented having a colored television would mean you had a high or ultimate status symbol. now today we use colored tv for granted.
  • The Equal pay act is passed.

    The Equal pay act is passed.
    John F Kennedy has passed the act for Women to be paid as much as men.
  • Martin Luther King JR. delivers the famous "I had a dream" Speech

    Martin Luther King JR. delivers the famous "I had a dream" Speech
    in August of 1963 Martin Luther King JR. organized a historical march to Washington to show how important it is to fix Americans racial equality.
  • Martin Luther King JR. is assasinated

    Martin Luther King JR. is assasinated
    Martin Luther King JR. Was assasinated april of 1968 by James Ray.
  • The Moon Landing

    The Moon Landing
    Niel Armstrong was one of the first astonauts on the first manned aircraft to land on the moon. It was important to World History because it helped expand science.
  • National Women’s Political Caucus was formed

    National Women’s Political Caucus was formed
    THe Caucus was formed on the behalf of womens issues. The same year Gloria Steinem started Ms. Magazine to Honestly discuss issues
  • Apple was founded

    Apple was founded
    Steve Jobs had founded Apple inc. in his garage and released his first computer named the Apple 1 in April 1976 when his company went big.
  • Iran-Iraq War

    Iran-Iraq War
    Iran and Iraq always had cinflict but what fuelled their hate fire to start a war was religious differences. almost 9 million soldiers have died due to this war.
  • First Woman to the US suprime court.

    First Woman to the US suprime court.
    Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female to be appointed into the US suprime court.
  • First Woman to space

    First Woman to space
    Sally Ride was the first woman to go up to space in 1983. Who sadly died July 23rd 3 years ago (2012)
  • Fall of The Berlin Wall

    Fall of The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was both a way to know whos territory was whos. Berlin's wall seperated west and east Berlin but, it wasn't only a division wall, it was a symbolic boundry between democracy and communism during the Cold War. it lasted to August 13th, 1961.
  • First African American to win a Oscar for best actress.

    First African American to win a Oscar for best actress.
    Halle Berry was the first african american woman to win the oscar for best actress.
  • Hillary Clinton becomes first lady

    Hillary Clinton becomes first lady
    at first Clinton joined the congress as a state senator from Newyork and got closer than any other woman to becoming the first woman president of the United States.
  • Twitter is launched

    Twitter is launched
    Twitter was founded the 21st of 2006 in Sanfransico Califonia. Twitter is a social media site where you can share anything as long as it's under 140 characters, or letters, numbers, and Symbols. you can follow people ranging from celebrities to people you actually know, really anyone.
  • Pluto is declared a "dwarf planet"

    Pluto is declared a "dwarf planet"
    In august 2006 Pluto was declared a dwarf planet excluding it from the major planets in our solar system but added to the new category called "Dwarf planets" along with 2 other planets.
  • Steve Jobs dies

    Steve Jobs died October 2011 due to Pancriatic cancer. His body went into Respritory arrest.
  • Sally Ride dies

    Sally Ride dies
    Sally K. Ride, Better known as the first woman to go into space, dies the 23rd day of july 2012.
  • Trojan War

    Trojan War
    the Mycenaeans won the Trojan War but right after the Dorians raided /Conquered their city. It Happened about 1250 B.C.
  • Philip II assassination

    Philip the II was murdered by Pausinians
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    This war was caused because the people of France had really no actual voice in their government
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution is the war for independance. we fought against the Britians. This Revolution was the first modern revolution in history. about 25,700 died in this war.
  • First woman in Musical History to have two opening weeks with over 1 million albums sold

    First woman in Musical History to have two opening weeks with over 1 million albums sold
    The one and only Taylor Alison Swift is the first woman in music history to have 2 album opening weeks with over 1 million CDs sold.
  • Fall of Jerusalem

    Fall of Jerusalem
    The fall of Jerusalem happened in 70 AD.
  • The first woman in music history to ever have 5 songs on 1 album to hit number 1

    The first woman in music history to ever have 5 songs on 1 album to hit number 1
    Katy Perry is the first woman in music history to have 5 songs from her album to hit number one on the billboard. tieing Michael Jackson and beating the famous band The Beatles and Madonna. This is important to world history because everyone loves Katy Perry.
  • Diocletian splits the Empire

    Diocletian splits the Empire
    Diocletian creates new government called tetrarchy. Devides rule of Rome. The Roman Empire is devided into two different kingdoms never reunited.