History of the Labor Movement

  • Thirteenth Amendment Added

    Thirteenth Amendment Added
    This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime. It also made forced labor illegal, inspiring the labor movement.
  • Knights of Labor is formed

    Knights of Labor is formed
    Starting as secret society the Knights of Labor had 700,000 members by 1886. They fought for fair wages, conditions and benefits.
  • Canadian workers go on strike

    Canadian workers go on strike
    The 19th century industrial revolution modernized the U.S and Canada. Steady employment made people compromise their safety. In America workers began unionizing to improve the working conditions. In Canada, unions were illegal.
  • Canadian Labor Day

    Canadian Labor Day
    After going on strike, the laborers in canada decided they would march. A group of 2,000 started the march and by the time they reached their destination they had gathered 10,000 people.
  • Peter J McGuire visits Canada

    Peter J McGuire visits Canada
    Peter J McGuire was a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. He was invited to canada to see and speak at the march.
  • First U.S Labor Celebration

    First U.S Labor Celebration
    Peter J Mcguire returned to the United States and helped the Knights of Labor organize a similar event in New York City. Later, the celebration would be moved to the first monday in september.
  • Oregon legalized the Holiday

    Oregon legalized the Holiday
    Oregon became the first state to pass a law making Labor Day a state holiday. They placed the holiday on the first Saturday in June.
  • Other States follow in Oregons footsteps

    Other States follow in Oregons footsteps
    Colorado, New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey also recognize Labor Day as an official state holiday. They change the date to the first monday in September to give workers a three-day weekend.
  • Labor Day becomes a Federal Holiday

    Labor Day becomes a Federal Holiday
    President Grover Cleveland makes Labor Day a federal holiday as a way to apoligize for the tradegies in Illinois after he sent 12,000 federal troops to end a strike. He was obviously not relected but Labor Day is still celebrated across the nation.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    After railroad workers in Illinois go on strike the government responds by sending in troops to break the strike. The strike lead to violent riots and many deaths, but also lead to Labor Day becoming a nation holiday.