History of the English language

  • Period: 400 to 1100

    Old English

    The oldest part of our language in the timeline
    "Acwellan":"To kill"
    "Gōd wyrd Gōde wyrde": "good luck"
  • 665

    The first poem written in English

    Caedmon's Hymn was the first poem to be written in English.
  • 750

    Beowulf poem

    A poem written in Old English that is cited as one of the most important Old English writings.
  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the West

    Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the West
    He was crowned by Pope Leo III on December 25th. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne
  • 820

    Algebra invented

    Al Khwarizmi, an Arabic scholar invents algebra.
  • 1066

    The Norman Invasion

    The Duke of Normandy invaded and conquered England, which brought the French language to Britain and created a gap between the upper classes who spoke French and lower classes that spoke English.
  • 1086

    The Doomsday Book is written

    The great census in England to detail the property and wealth. Ordered by William the Conqueror.
  • 1095

    The First Crusade

    Pope Urban II calls for the First Crusade to protect pilgrims from attack
  • Period: 1100 to 1500

    Middle English

    Where the French invaded Britain and the languages mixed some. Examples: "Stynt thy clappe!": "shut up"
    "So moot I gon": "I swear"
    "Bet": "Better"
    "Namely": "especially"
  • 1206

    Genghis Khan leads the Mongol armies

    30 to 60 million people killed creating the largest land empire from the Pacific to the Black Sea.
  • 1348

    The Black Plague kills 75 million Europeans.

    After starting in China, the plague moves to Europe.
  • 1387

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

    A collection of 24 stories that were written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer.
  • 1492

    Discovery of North America

    Christoper Columbus discovers North America.
  • 1500

    The invention of the Printing Press

    The invention that brought reading to the masses. Instead of a scribe having to write a book over the course of months or years this could be used to make copies much faster and cheaper, making it easier for lower classes to get books.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Modern English

    Vowels were being pronounced shorter and shorter and the British Empire stretching around the world, many new words were added. Examples:
    Anything we use in modern day.
  • Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    Pilgrims arrive on the Mayflower from England in the new world.
  • Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio

    Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio
    The first collected edition of Shakespeare's plays. https://www.folger.edu/what-shakespeare-first-folio
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The British colonies rebelled against The monarchy due to over taxation. They declared their independence from Britain and won the war, creating the U.S. It ended in 1783. https://blog.oup.com/2013/09/washington-end-revolutionary-war/
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The U.S. purchased a large chunk of the middle of the country as we see it today from France.
  • Humans land on the Moon

    Humans land on the Moon for the first time in history.