History Of The Catholic Church

  • First Catholic School

    First Catholic School
    Lay couple, Mary and Michale Burge establishe the first catholic school funded entirely by money collected from the local catholic settelers. The school was located not far from where Saint Stevens Cathedrial stands today. At the time, there were less then 1000 settlers, and about one quater of them were roman catholics.
  • The First Permanent Church

    The First Permanent Church
    5 years later the settlement had its first permanent church Saint Stevens. Almost 10 years on, Saint Stevens was proclaimed the cathedral of the diocese, after formally seperation from N.S.W, to become known as the colony of Qeensland.
  • Bishop James Quinn

    Bishop James Quinn
    Bishob James Quinn, 5 Priests and 6 Irish Sisters Of Mercy made their way to Brisbane aborad the Yarra Era. Bishop Quinn was supprised by the poverty of the largly Irish population and committed to raising the economics and social status of catholics through education. Mother Vincent Witty and the Sisters Of Mercy established our first catholic secondary school (All Hallows).
  • The All Hallows School

    The All Hallows School
    The All Hallows and the Saint James school for boys was established and staffed entirely by lay teachers. It was a unique modle with both religious and lay student teachers recieving their training before and after school, aswell as working in classes as apprentises during the day. it would be almost 100 hundred years until a deticated teachers trainning college was established and the Mcauley college at the all Hallows campus.
  • The Divide Between The Irish And English

    The Divide Between The Irish And English
    1870s was a time of growth on the back of the divide between the Irish Catholic and the English protestants came a push to keep church and states seperate. Laws were passed to provide free compulsorry and secular education to children and to remove state funding for all religious schools, despite the political climate, by the end of the decade there were 35 Catholic schools were established and fully funded by their communities. Catholic education not only survied but flourished.
  • The Great Deppression

    The Great Deppression
    The period from the great deppression in 1929 to the end of world war two saw Australia suffer the chalenges of widespread poverty and unemployment. Catholic education was affected by lack of teachers growing class sizes and economic challenges but catholic education preserved through these hard times. Some schools waive their fees to help struggling families and suprisingly no schools were closed, inspired by some era. McKellips never see a need with out doing something about it made life easy.
  • Catholic Taxpayers Assosiation

    Catholic Taxpayers Assosiation
    In the 1930s they had a formation of the Qeensland Federation of parents and freinds. At the beginning of the 1930s, more than 15 million Americans fully one-quarter of all wage-earning workers were unemployed. President H.Hoover did not do much to stop the crisis.Patience and self-reliance, he argued, were all Americans needed to get them through this passing incident in their national lives.Soon later,they all wanted a new president. over the next 9 years they made a new role for government.
  • The War

    The War
    British forces defeat German troops at Tripoli Lebanon. Churchill and Roosevelt agree that the war can end only with Germany's unconditional surrender. U.S. troops begin final offensive to clear Guadalcanal.Following American involvement in the war manufacturers around the US became as efficient at producing war machines as they had been producing other goods with companies like ford and GM managing to change from cars to bombs and aircraft engines and at the same time due to the number of men.
  • The Dioceasen Director

    The Dioceasen Director
    As dioceasen director of catholic education he Bernad O'shea would become instrumental in leading us through the transformation of catholic education. in Brisbane BCE continued to struggle with the demands of it's mission throughout the post-war, the numbers within religous orders began began to decline and so an increase in the employment of lay staff began despite bugdet restrictions and continued funding by communities and parishes. 26 new schools were oppened in the 15 years.
  • Major Changes

    Major Changes
    1960 major changes occurred nationwide in school funding after the goulburn school strike as well as major news stories include US enters Vietnam War The IRA starts it's fight against the British,John F Kennedy wins presidential Election,Chubby Chequer and The twist start a new dance craze,Soviet missile shoots down the US U2 spy plane,aluminum Cans used for the first time,The US announces 3500 American soldiers are going to be sent to Vietnam, xerox makes the first photocopier OPCE is formed.
  • Decade Of Strain

    Decade Of Strain
    1960 was a decade of strain for catholic education, lay teachers were battlling with stirfling conditions and only equipped with 2 years of training before they could be able to enter the classroom. Mcauly College would open it's doors in the year 1973, as well as the AIM began their occupation of wounded knee in South Dekota during febuary 1973. News stories said that Skylab launched, cod war UK and Iceland won the triple crown also on june 19th, 1973.
  • The Governemnt

    The Governemnt
    Government health inspectors wanted three more toilets put in at Our Lady of Mercy prep school Bishop John Cullinane said that there was no money he called a meeting of catholic parents who voted to strike resulting in 1000 students decending on the local states school for enrollment.Political parties began to reconsider state aid to non state schools and within12 months the feral government gave grants to catholic schools. and finally all catholic schools recieved government funding.
  • Including Lay Teachers

    Including Lay Teachers
    in 1973 they included lay teachers as catholic schools had become more reliant on laid leadership and staff, major social upheaval and the second Vatican council saw new educational approaches which would see this decade closed 43000 students enrolled and 113 schools across the archdiocese, the provision of schools from operating on a community funding model to a government supported model took 20 years. The catholic taxpayers assosiationhad lobbied for state aid since the 1930s.
  • Government's Promise

    Government's Promise
    In 2007, Rudds government promoise from one to one techknowlegdy and the severe drought in Australia causes wheat crop to fail and prices to increase around the world,also the Apple Computer Company announces the release of the very first iPhone during January of 2007. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revealed the product during one of his famous keynote addresses. The touch-screen mobile phone had been in development since 2005 and reportedly cost over $150 million to create.
  • Economic Stimulus

    Economic Stimulus
    2008 the economic stimulus building education revolution, a number of ecumenical schools have been established during this time and the formation of north and south schools service centres.Writers strike against Hollywood studios, networks and production companies demanding a percentage of revenue instead of a fixed fee for Internet content. The strike lasted for nearly 3months and a compromise agreement is reached. The strike meant many popular TV programmes were affected including talk shows.
  • Brisbane Catholic Education

    Brisbane Catholic Education
    in 2010 service centres saw Brisbane Catholic Education meet the expanding demands of our contemperary education community, through their work they are contibuting to our continued story as federal and state government initiatives continue to challenge and enhance their work of educating young people. They will continue to be motivated by the same faith and convictions as those early pioneers today, we are committed to be providing quality today Catholic education.