History of the Atom Timeline by Claire Thompson

  • 440

    Democritius (440 BC)

    Democritius  (440 BC)
    Democritius wrote that matter is composed of particles that can not be cut. He proposed this idea in 450 BC. "Who Discovered It." Who Discovered It. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.
  • 450


    He did not agree with Democritius. He thought paricles were made of the 5 elements and that they could be split up into smaller pieces. He made his discorvery by observations and theories. "Aristotle." The-History-of-the-Atom -. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Dalton calculated the atomic mass of an atom. He also wrote meterolgical observations. In order to find out mre about the atom, he studied and observed it in merterology.
  • Thomson

    Thomson discovered the electron. The method he used to make these observations was through a series of experiments. His model looked like a sphere of positive matter.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford figured out that the mass was located in the nucleus of an atom. This discovery was a tremendous impact on the atomic theory. The method he used in his discovery was through experiments.
  • Shrodinger

    Shrodinger found a model of an atom. He used experiments, like the one involving his cat, and wave mechanics to discover this. He also worked with Heisenburg.
  • Heisenberg

    Heisenburg found the measurements of position and of the momentum of a particle simutaneously. The method he used was through observations and experiments. He also worked with Shrodinger.
  • Bohr

    Bohr found the structure of atoms. He also found out that the nucleus is where the interaction in an atom takes place. The method he used was by observing Rutherford's atomic model