history of tennis

By g-rat
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The modern game of tennis played in millions of clubs and on public areas.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Tennis historically came in the color white now it comes in multiple colors like yellow. in some places they have indoor tennis called racket ball its similar to tennis but its indoor with a square shaped room with no nets just walls.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Tennis's original name is lawn tennis with two single opposing player that use tautly stringed rackets to hit a ball with specific size and weight that can bounce over a net on a regular size court.
  • history of tennis

    During the 1880's tennis was dominated by the twin brothers by the name of William and Ernest Shaw. William won the Wimbledon championship singles seven times.
  • history of tennis

    The first international team competition was the Davis Cup, officially called the International Lawn Tennis Challenge
  • history of tennis

    A important milestone in the history of tennis was the decision of the All England Croquet Club to set aside one of its lawns at Wimbledon.
  • history of tennis

    The women champions of the early 1900's, Dorothea Douglass. Later Mrs. Lambert Chambers won the Wimbledon Championship.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Some people thing that ancient Egyptians played different versions of tennis.
  • history of tennis.

    history of tennis.
    The theory of the name tennis came from Egyptian town of Tinnis.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Most of the historians credit the first origins of the game to the eleventh or twelfth century.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The game of tennis got the name jeu de paume, which means game of the hand.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The way tennis became popular , courtyard playing areas began to be modified into indoor courts.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    After using your hand in tennis became uncomfortable they used gloves or either a glove with webbing between the fingers or a solid paddle.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Rubber balls were still centuries away, so the ball was a wad of hair, wool, or cork wrapped in string and cloth or leather.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The nobility learned the game from the monks, and some accounts report as many as 1,800 courts in France by the thirteenth century.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The game that we call tennis took about a millennium to evolve into the game we know today.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Over several years the game of tennis spread to Europe.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    By the 13th century, there were as many as 1,800 courts in France.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The game of tennis was played on a narrow court with a drooping net.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The rules developed by the All England Club.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The of tennis game was played in fifth century.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    The game evolved in Italy and moved to France.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    In 1700´s the game had been all but abandoned.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Walter Clopton Wingfield created the rules of tennis in 1874.
  • history of tennis

    history of tennis
    Walter Clopton Wingfield called the game of tennis sphairistike.