History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • 1817- ASD

    1817- ASD
    The American School for the Deaf was the first special education school in the United States located in Hartford, Connecticut. The school was originally an asylum providing programs for special education. The asylum later becoming a state approved school that provided appropriate teachings for students in education. This also led to more asylums to provide special education for their patients.
  • 1950- The Arc

    1950- The Arc
    The Arc is the largest national organization that helps people with disabilities and their families. The services they offer range from health care to family support. They also helped with how communities viewed people with disabilities so that they can be properly informed. They provide services to help people with disabilities to be able to have options for schooling such as daycares, preschools, and the right to work even without an education.
  • 1964- LDA

    1964- LDA
    Learning Disabilities Association of America is a non-profit organization that supports families and parents with children with disabilities. They support acts of full inclusion, full integration, and inclusive education. They are all about placing children where they can thrive either in a full inclusive school or not. The organization strongly supports the IDEA act and all it mandates.
  • 1971- Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    1971- Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    In the Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia this case led way to classifying students with disabilities as “exceptional". This case made it unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to refuse a child’s access to enrolling in public education. This also led to equal opportunities for children in public schools giving children with special needs and their parents rights for their child’s public education.
  • 1974- Federation for Children with Special Needs

    1974- Federation for Children with Special Needs
    FCSN is a center for parents that provide family support, community activities, and leadership. They value providing health education, helpful public policies, and helping the parents of children with disabilities with hands on work. They also pride themselves on the fact that most of the staff are parents and family members of children with disability so they have first hand knowledge to give to families in need.
  • 1975- Public Law 94–142 IDEA

    1975- Public Law 94–142 IDEA
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Introduced in 1971 and finally passed in 1975 gives students with disabilities the opportunity to have a free public education. IDEA regulates how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and other special needs services for children. The law was also revised many times over the years to create improvements and better help all children with disabilities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66g6TbJbs2g
  • 1976- Public Law 99-457

    1976- Public Law 99-457
    The All Handicapped Children Act is an amendment that has states provide services to families of children with disabilities starting when they are born. Before these services were not available until a child reached the age of three years old which deprived families of many services needed when the child is born. This act not only has the families receive educational services but also provides financial grants to help the families out from the moment their child is born.
  • 1976- Parents Helping Parents

    1976- Parents Helping Parents
    PHP is a non-profit community based resource center that helps families with disabilities giving them the support needed. They offer educational programs, health services, support networks, training, interventions and assistive technology services. They also help children with needs from all backgrounds and all disabilities providing any and all needs.
  • 1990- ADA

    1990- ADA
    American with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law forbidding discrimination against people with disabilities. This is including in public and private life and places, work places, schools, and transportation. This gives people with disabilities the same rights, opportunities, and resources as everyone else.
  • 2001- NCLB

    2001- NCLB
    The No Child Left Behind Act was the previous reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Signed by President George W. Bush in 2002 this law increased the federal governments involvement in education. This held schools responsible for their student’s academic performance. The act also held high qualification for teachers and for students by having standards and tests for math, reading, and science.