History of Soccer

By 812370
  • 247 BCE

    Roots of soccer

    Roots of soccer
    Soccer is believed to have come from China. They would kick leather into a small net. There were no rules back then. This is the first record of anything like soccer.
  • The beginning

    "In October 1863, eleven representatives from London clubs and schools met at the Freemason’s Tavern to set up common fundamental rules to control the matches amongst themselves (http://www.historyofsoccer.info)." This was the beginning of regulated soccer. This made soccer a serious event which it has grown from since then.
  • Start of FIFA

    Start of FIFA
    FIFA is the highest governing body for international soccer. FIFA has helped many leagues start and held the first world cup which has become one of the most popular events ever.
  • Soccer during WW1

    Soldiers from both sides of the war have an unoficial Christmas treaty and play soccer together. This shows how powerful the sport is.
  • American soccer league

    The first soccer league in USA started which made the sport much larger.
  • First World Cup

    The first world cup is held in Uruguay which was the first non olympic international soccer tournament. It is now the most watched sporting event of all time.
  • No Olympic Soccer

    There was no Olympic soccer in 1932 due to controversies. This slowed soccer growth around the world.
  • 1992 Rule Change

    1992 rule change doesn't allow goalies to handle intentional passes from team mates which make attract more people to the newer faster game.
  • First Women Olympic soccer

    USA wins first Women soccer in the Olympics spreading more popularity of the game to a wider range of people.
  • USA WINS!!!

    The Us women's team wins the first Women's World Cup boosting popularity of the sport.