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History of Soccer

  • 300

    The beginning of soccer

    The beginning of soccer
    Early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. In China
  • Dec 16, 700

    Early soccer matches

    Early soccer matches
    700’s. The first Football games played in was played by the locals of east of England, starting after a 'legendary' game that involved kicking around the severed head of a Danish prince that they had defeated in war.
  • First rubber ball

    First rubber ball
    600 - 1600 A.D
    In Mexico & Central America the rubber ball was created, and used in a game on a recessed court 40-50 feet long shaped like a capital "I".
  • Pasuckuakohowog

    1620’s In North America, native American Indians in the original Jamestown settlement played a game called pasuckuakohowog, meaning "they gather to play ball with the foot." It was a rough game, played the beach, the field a half-mile wide with goals 1 mile apart, with as many as 1000 players at a time.
  • Official Rules

    Official Rules
    1815’s Eton College of England a set of rules for the game.
  • First soccer Club

    First soccer Club
    1862 The first soccer club formed anywhere outside of England was the Oneida Football Club, Boston USA.
  • First international match

    First international match
    The first international match played by teams outside of Great Britain was between USA and Canada, played in Newark and ended with Canada winning 1-0.(1885)
  • Soccer in the Olympics

    Soccer in the Olympics
    Soccer played at the Olympic Games for the first time (1900)
  • Establishment of FIFA

    Establishment of FIFA
    Establishment of FIFA by delegates from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland at a meeting in Paris on the 21st of May. (1904)
  • Modern day soccer

    Modern day soccer
    Soccer is now a sport that is recognized and played all over the world.