History of Robots

  • Period: 200 to Jan 11, 1496

    First Timespan

  • 270

    Water Clock

    Water Clock
    The Greek inventor Ctesibus of Alexandria designs water clocks that have movable figures on them. They are buil to t tell time and use the momentum of water to move and run them. Link: http://www.thocp.net/reference/robotics/robotics.html
  • 350

    The Pidgeon

    The Pidgeon
    *** 350 BC ***The Greek mathematician, Archytas of Tarentum builds a mechanical bird dubbed "the Pigeon" that is propelled by steam. It serves as one of histories earliest studies of flight, not to mention probably the first model airplane. Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • 427

    Plato's Writings

    Plato's Writings
    *** 427 BC *** In some of his writings, Plato expresses ideas, several millennia before the advent off the computer that are relevant to modern dilemmas regarding human thought and its relation to the mechanics of the machine. Link: http://www.thocp.net/reference/robotics/robotics.html
  • Jan 11, 1200

    Arab Writings and Technology

    Arab Writings and Technology
    Arab authors also designed complex mechanical arrangements in books they wrote that gives state of the art technology in the Middle Ages and where it wil be going in the future. Link: http://www.thocp.net/reference/robotics/robotics.html
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Leonardo's Knight

    Leonardo's Knight
    Leonardo di Vinci created a mechanical device that looked like an armored knight. It was designed to look like a real man was inside the armor. It amused royalty. Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • Period: to

    Second Timespan

  • Andriod

    The word "android" is entered into society. Albert Magnus writes a German dictionary of technolgy and this word is included into it to describe robotics and artifiacl intelligence. Link: http://robotics.ece.auckland.ac.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31
  • The Writer

    The Writer
    Pierre and Henri Jacquet Droz build a robotic child called L'Ecrivain (The Writer). It could write messages with up to 40 characters. L'Ecrivain's brain was a mechanical computer. Link:http://www.used-robots.com/robot-education.php?page=robot+timeline
  • Jacquard's Loom

    Jacquard's Loom
    Joseph Jacquard built an automated loom that is controlled with punched cards to sew materials togther and make paper documents. These cards roll through a reader to produce the end result. Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • Frankenstein

    Mary Shelley writes a book about a robot that is created by an evil doctor named Dr. Frankenstein that takes over the local town and puts fear in the eyes of the citygoers. Link: http://www.used-robots.com/robot-education.php?page=robot+timeline
  • Tesla Vehicle

    Tesla Vehicle
    Nikolai Tesla introduces the first remote-controlled vehicle. The remote-control boat could be commanded to go, stop, turn left and right, turn its lights on and off, and even submerge. The public was not impressed. Link: http://robotics.ece.auckland.ac.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31
  • Period: to

    Third Timespan

  • "Robot" First Introduced

    "Robot" First Introduced
    The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was about a man making robot then robot kills the amn who made him. Link:http://inventors.about.com/od/roboticsrobots/a/RoboTimeline.htm
  • Metropolis

    Metropolis was released by Fritz Lang. "Maria" was shown on screen and she was the first robot to be shown on screen. This movie was released in German, and was many people's first exposure to a "robot". Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • The Logic Theorist

    The Logic Theorist
    Alan Newell and Herbert Simon create the Logic Theorist, the first "expert system". The expert system computer program was used to help solve difficult math problems that otherwise couldnt be solved with what they had. Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • First Industrial Robot

    First Industrial Robot
    The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It was called UNIMATE. Some of the uses including welding things, assembling, and packaging items. Link:http://inventors.about.com/od/roboticsrobots/a/RoboTimeline.htm
  • Motored Robot Arm

    Motored Robot Arm
    Takeo Kanade builds the direct drive arm. It is the first to have motors installed directly into the joints of the arm. This change makes robot arms faster and much more accurate than previous ones. Link: http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html
  • Period: to

    Fourth Timespan

  • Robot Vacuum

    Robot Vacuum
    Roomba robot vacuum cleaner is introduced. It is able to navigate on house floors to clean them up with out the human labor of a normal vacuum. They are producted by iRobot. Link: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/technology/historyofrobotics.html
  • Cornell's Robot

    Cornell's Robot
    Researchers at Cornell University build the first self-replicating robot. Each ‘robot’ is made up of a small tower of computerized cubes which link together through the use of magnets. Link: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/technology/historyofrobotics.html
  • Space Robots to Fix Satelittes

    Space Robots to Fix Satelittes
    There will be robots in space that can automatically fix satellites that need work on them instead of risking humans to do it or limiting work needing to be done. Link: http://news.discovery.com/space/robot-satellite-repair-nasa.html
  • Household Robots

    Household Robots
    We predict that around the year 2022, we will have fully functional robots to do common household chores to do things humans may not need to do anymore. Link: http://teams.kipr.org/awards/05-0002/present.htm
  • Robot Soldiers

    Robot Soldiers
    The United States Department of Defense predicts that by the year 2035, the United State military will have its first completely automated robot soldier to fight in warzones replacing live people. Link: http://science.howstuffworks.com/robot-armies.htm