history of mirosoft and apple

  • Beginning of Apple

    Beginning of Apple
    Steve Jobs and Wozniak meet each other.
  • Beginning of Microsoft

    Beginning of Microsoft
    Bill Gates starts Microsoft along with Paul Allen.MTS Computer buy first computer language program from Microsoft
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    Steve Wozniak start working on Apple 1,Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer.
  • Apple Starts

    Apple is founded by Wozniak,Steve Jobs and Wayne
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Apple 2 is offered to the public, became one of several recognizable and successful computers during the 1980s and early 1990s, although this was mainly limited to the USA
  • Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    The Lisa was a more advanced system than the Macintosh of this time in many respects.
  • Development of Lisa

    Steve Jobs was forced out of the Lisa project,he joined the Macintosh project. The Macintosh is not a direct descendant of Lisa, although there are obvious similarities between the systems. The final revision, the Lisa 2/10, was modified and sold as the Macintosh XL,
  • IBM and Microsoft

    IBM and Microsoft
    IBM uses Microsoft OS,this was a 16 bit OS for IBM,for IBM this was the first personal computer.
  • Microsoft Mouse

    Microsoft Mouse
    Microsoft Mouse is initiated,is for the MS-DOS,his year Paul Allen resigns from his EXEC VP POSITION.
  • Sculley

    Pepsios John Sclley is hired as CEO of Apple
  • Microsoft Stock Market debut

    Microsoft Stock Market debut
    Microsoft offers stock,each stock was worth 21$
  • Microsoft V 2.03

    Microsoft V 2.03
    Microsoft release V 2.03 with many improvements taken from MAC.
  • Windows V 3.0

    Windows V 3.0
    Is the third major release of Microsoft Windows,It became the first widely successful version of Windows and a rival to Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga on the GUI front
  • Bill Gates awarded

    Bill Gates awarded
    National Medal of Technoloy is given to him
  • Sculley

    he joins Spectrum nstead of Apple
  • Microsoft and IBM

    they sign a join development agreement
  • Vermeer Technologies

    is bought by Microsoft,frontpage was their application,which was also incorporated by Microsoft.
  • The Return of Steve Jobs

    The Return of Steve Jobs
    He return to Apple after being fired a few years earlier.