History of Microsoft

  • The founding of Microsoft

    The founding of Microsoft
    In Albuquerque, New Mexico Bill Gates and Paul Allen created a company that makes computer software and named it Microsoft
    (Pictured: Bill Gates and Paul Allen)
  • Sales hit over one million

    Sales hit over one million
    By the end of the year, Microsoft's sales had hit over one million
  • Relocation of the company

    Relocation of the company
    The company relocated to Washington State where it grew into a major multinational technology corporation
  • Allen leaves Microsoft

    Allen leaves Microsoft
    Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and because of this he decided to part ways with the company
  • The release of Microsoft Windows

    The release of Microsoft Windows
    Microsoft Windows was released with many new features. Some including drop down menus and scroll bars.
  • Bill Gates becomes a billionaire

    Bill Gates becomes a billionaire
    Bill gates became the youngest billionaire about one year after Microsoft went public.
  • Microsoft becomes the world’s biggest personal-computer software company

    Microsoft becomes the world’s biggest personal-computer software company
    In the late 1980s, based off of sales Microsoft had become the world's biggest personal-computer software company
  • The debut of Windows 95

    The debut of Windows 95
    The purchasing of personal computers was at an all time high which was when Windows 95 was released.
  • The release of Internet Explorer

    The release of Internet Explorer
    In the mid 1990s, Microsoft released it's web browser named Internet Explorer
  • Violation of antitrust laws

    Violation of antitrust laws
    Microsoft was charged with the violation of antitrust laws because the company was dominating the industry and drove competitors out of business
  • Bill Gates stepping down

    Bill Gates stepping down
    Gates decided to step down from his position as CEO of the company in 2000, but continued to be involved in the company
  • Agreement with the government

    Agreement with the government
    Microsoft and the government came to an agreement in which Microsoft was restricted to refrain from violating antitrust laws again
  • Launch of Xbox gaming console

    Launch of Xbox gaming console
    Microsoft joined the video game market when releasing the Xbox gaming console
  • Bill Gates retired from daily operations completely

    Bill Gates retired from daily operations completely
  • Entrance into the smartphone and tablet industry

    Entrance into the smartphone and tablet industry
    In the 2010s Microsoft had began releasing smartphones and tablets which entered the company into a new and booming market