History of Media

By cah133
  • Period: to

    Invention of Computers

    Computers were invented by British mathematician,Charles Babbage.
  • Public use of the Internet

    Public use of the Internet
    University of California, Los Angeles put out a press release introducing the public to the Internet.
  • Email

    V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai invented email
  • AOL Instant Messaging

    AOL Instant Messaging
    A major aspect of the rise of instant messaging in the 1990s was the shorthand language and acronyms that came with it.
  • Google

    The domain google.com was registered.
  • Myspace

    It was founded by employees of eUniverse, an internet marketing company. Chris DeWolfe, Brad Greenspan, Tom Anderson and Josh Berman worked on the project for only 10 days before it was ready to launch.
  • Facebook

    Founded by Mark Zuckerberg with the help of Eduardo Saverin. The website was initially only for Harvard students so that they are able to communicate with in the school population. It slowly began to get bigger and bigger so other school began to use it as well. By September 2006 everyone that had an email and was 13 years old had a Facebook.
  • Youtube

    Invented in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. The Youtube web page was activated on February 14, 2005, but the first video was not posted until April 23, 2005.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created in March of 2006 but was not launched until July 2006. I was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams.
  • Pintrest

    Pinterest was developed in December 2009 by Ben Silberman, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. This was an app for people who subscribed could upload and comment on different things.
  • Instagram

    The app was officially released in October 2010. The app was so successful that it later had to be released for Andriod and by finacally did well
  • Snapchat

    Standford University ex-student Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown created that snapchat app. Snapchat was initially created for a class project and it had a very good response in the classroom. Therefore they actually made it into an app. It launched in September 2011.