History of JCPenney

  • James Cash Penney is born

    James Cash Penney is born
    James Cash Penney, the founder of JCPenney, is born.
  • First JCPenney Store Opened

    First JCPenney Store Opened
    James Cash Penney opens his first store, called the Golden Rule store, in Kemmerer, Wyoming. The store is later turned into a chain of retail stores, called JCPenney.
  • JCPenney introduce Sephora stores.

    JCPenney introduce Sephora stores.
    In 2007, JCPenney introudced Sephora stores inside of many larger JCPenney stores. Sephora inside JCP has many popular cosmetic brands for consumers to buy, but they do not carry all of Sephora's available brands.
  • Plans announced for Manhattan Store

    Plans announced for Manhattan Store
    In 2007, JCPenney announced plans to open a 150,000 square foot store in Manhattan.
  • Ron Johnson named new CEO.

    Ron Johnson named new CEO.
    In June of 2011, JCPenney announced that Ron Johnson, former Vice President of Retail Operations at Apple, and the creator of the Apple Retail Stores, would become the new CEO. Johnson had many changes in mind for JCPenney, but sadly was not in place long enough for the changes to take effect.