History of how boxing has changed

  • Period: 1500 BCE to 900 BCE

    Boxing existence

    The earliest date for boxing to exist
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • 800 BCE

    Greek Boxing

    Greek Boxing
    Something similar to boxing was born in Greece this sport is where the men would be seated and use their bare fist to supposedly kill the other opponent in the ring
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • 688 BCE

    Olympic Greek boxing

    Olympic Greek boxing
    The Greeks had implemented boxing into their Olympic games where it was called Pygmachia and the fighters would wear himantes which were leather straps that covered their hands, wrist and upper chest area
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • Period: 1000 to 1499

    Ancient Rusian boxing

    A similar sport to boxing existed in ancient Russian and it was called fist fighting and it changed the game by being a different way to solve disputes. So in the eyes of some the sport can be seen as apart of culture and life in ancient times not just a sport.
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5, https://in.rbth.com/arts/lifestyle/2016/07/10/fisticuffs-among-ancient-russian-traditions-of-combat_609663
  • The first Prize fight

    The first Prize fight
    The first official bout was registered in England in 1681 also it help established the first prizefight which help give a golden age to the boxing sport.
    Resources:http://fightclubamerica.com/about/history-of-boxing/, http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • Winner of the championship match

    Winner of the championship match
    James Figg became known as the winner of the first ever boxing championship which changed the game by establishing great intrest in the game. Also it became known as boxing which changes the game in the sense that it is called differently
  • The establishment of rules

    The competitions of boxing were finally establishing concrete rules and this changed the game because it finally focused on safety
  • Broughton rules

    Jack Broughton was a bare knuckle fighter who established the Broughton rules that whenever a fighter is down for 30 seconds the fight is ended and that it is against to strike a fighter down or below the waist which helps establish modern day rules and makes it so any cheap shots can't be made
    Reources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • Boxing ring

    Boxing ring
    The London Prize Ring Rules were established, regulations asserted that fighters must compete in a square ring cordoned off by ropes: the ring was to measure 7.3 meters or 24 feet.
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • Case of R v. Coney

    A court case determined that bare knuckled fighting was considered an assault, regardless as to whether or not those that participated in the fights did so willingly.which means boxing couldn't be done as it was before the 1880's.
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5
  • Boxing gloves

    Boxing gloves
    Boxing gloves has become mandatory in every boxing match since the 1890's. While they were used before hand the spread of boxing gloves had made it so that people could still box while ensuring that it isn't against the law.
    Resources: http://historyofsports.net/page.php?id=5