Genetic 1

History of Gene Therapy

  • Discovery of gene therapy

    Discovery of gene therapy
    First discovered that a gene can be transferred from cell to cell
  • Discovery of virus as a vector

    Discovery of virus as a vector
    Discovered that viruses can be used to transfer genes
  • First successful attempt of gene therapy

    First successful attempt of gene therapy
    First attempt of gene therapy on a human
  • Severe Combined Immune Deficiency

    Severe Combined Immune Deficiency
    First successful cure to SCID on four-year-old Ashanti DaSilva
  • Government funding

    Government funding
    $58M for research is provided by the US government
  • First death from gene therapy

    First death from gene therapy
    Jesse Gelsinger dies at the age of 18 as the therapy failed to cure his liver disease
  • Continued research

    Continued research
    Continued successful trials in curing blindness and failing eyesight at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital