History of Football

  • Period: Oct 17, 1106 to


  • Cambridge came up with some rules

    In 1843 Cambridge came up with rules. Others developed their won. This were moulded into one set in 1863 when football Association was formed. Some clubs continued to play under Sheffield Rules until 1878, and others dissented to form Rugby Union instead.
  • Passing the ball

    The rules of the football assocation provides the first reference in the English language to the verb to 'pass' the ball in 1863.
  • FA cup

    In 1871 the FA Cup was introduced
  • First recognised international match was played

    The first international match took place between Scotland and England on 30th Nov 1872. This match was played under the Assocation rules.
  • Fifa was formed

    FIFA was formed being the main orgainasation. There was now three divisions and more cups were being introduced. Teams like Arsenal, Tottenham and Manchester United were now formed meaning the whole of england was now involved with a total of 22 clubs, making 88 in total.
  • Goal keepers only aloud to handle ball inside their box

    A rule was introduced that goalkeepers were not allowed to handle the ball outside theor own penalty area. This was introduced in 1912
  • Wembley stadium

    Wembley Stadium opened which is now recongised as one of the most world famous stadiums to play in. This is the home ground of Englands national team. This opened in 1923.
  • The world cup is created

    In 1930 thirteen teams enter the first World Cup which was held in Uruguay. It is held every 4 years in a host country.
  • Modernisassation in football

    The beginning of moderissation of English football with the divisions three north and south becoming the national division 3 and division 4
  • League cup is introduced

    1960 saw the introduction of the League Cup.
  • England won the World Cup

    England won their first World Cup
  • The premier league is formed

    The premier league was formed which is now considered the top league in the whole world. This is when TV rights and advertising took a huge upstring and this greatly increased the top clubs exposure and income.
  • Finacial status of football and the players are increasing

    Clubs are buying players for tens of millions and players are recieving hundreds of thousands a week in pay.
  • Clubs struggling because of finacial status

    With alot of money being involved this meant some clubs could not cope and many clubs went into finacial administration.
  • The first FIFA Ballon d'Or is awarded

    The FIFA Ballon d'Or is awarded for the first time after France Footballs Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award were merged. The award was given to Lionel Messi.
  • Goal line technology

    FIFA granted a licence to the third goal line technolgy manufacturer, german firm cairos, joining hawk-eye and goalref systems for the rights for use at the 2014 world cup and the 2013 confederations cup. both held in Brazil. This technology made it easier for referees to make certain decisions about weather the ball crosses the line for a goal or not.
  • FIFA indroduce Fanancial fair play rules

    Clubs have to keep their yearly fiancial losses under 35 million, Billionaire clubs such as Manchester city and Paris saint German were the first clubs to be heavily fined with fines up to 30 million having to be paid out.
  • Foam Technology is introduced

    During the FIFA World Cup Foam technology was introduced, it was first trialled at the 2013 FIFA Club World Cup. This spray is temporary foam applied by the referee to the field to provide a visual marker for use by both players and referees to indicate the minimum distance that members of the opposing team must reamin from the ball during a free kick, as well as the spot from which the free kick is taken.