history of film

  • horse bet

    horse bet
    a bet that was made over $25,000. That when a horse is in full speed all of its hooves are off the ground at one point. When they tested out the experiment they noticed that not only is that true. But it looked like the horse was running acrross the pictures.
  • edison motion picture production

    edison motion picture production
    production studio was built at west orange. it was dubed the black morina on its resemblence of the police patrol. there was a constint flo of new film.
  • first copy writed film

    first copy writed film
    edison kinetoscopic recordede of a sneeze , also known as fred ott's sneze withc records ott and edison sneezing comicly for the camera. it was not submitted copy write but it was a serius of photo graphic prints
  • shift to projectors

    shift to projectors
    edison was slow to develop projection systems. this time since kinscopes were portable and he thought he made more money. however film projecters were for larger crowds.
  • vitascope

    the first theatrical exhibition at koster and bial's music hall in new york city. after this was made other companies made there own. projectersit became a very popular attraction.
  • the great train robery

    the great train robery
    one of edisons companys most famious films. it was produced in 1903 it was very sucesful and soon remade by motion pictures. with up close shots of shooting out laws.
  • nicolodeon

    in pittsburg was the first nicolodion. it was so that larger adiances could see loger performances. becasue the movies were so short.
  • litigation and licensees

    litigation and licensees
    comercial brought complications however through out history, tomas profits and a way to eliminte competiton
  • stock company

    stock company
    edison developed a stock of characters the company also tried cultivate usining a 21 mm film.
  • kintellaphone

    was designed to mix the motion picture camra with the teltography. this was a improvement on the earlier model. it ultimitly improed un sucessfuly.
  • blow to edsons buissness

    blow to edsons buissness
    edson continued to present new products to in effect to improve the sittuation.
  • move to california

    move to california
    film production moved to california. for the good weather . but also to get away ffrom tomas edison.