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History of educational technique in technology.

  • Mar 1, 1453

    The printing of the bible

    The Gutenberg Bible is also known as the 42 line bible was the first major book printed in the West using movable type.
  • A machine to print the alphabet.

    Christopher Sholes develops a machine to print the alphabet. the name QWERTY comes from reading the first 6 letters on the top left row on the keyboard.
  • Radio signal across the atlantic.

    Radio signal across the atlantic.
    Guglielmo Maconi sent the first radio signal across the Antlantic.When people told him that radio signals could not occur because of the curvature of the Earth would only except 200 miles or less,Maconi was determined to prove them wrong!! And that is when the first radio signal acroos the Atlantic hsppened.
  • A keyboard that is easier to learn

    en.m.wikipediaAugust Dvorak created a new type of keyboard to try to replace the QWERTY. And it worked in some ways. QWERTY still has some advantages but Dvorak changed some places.
  • ERIC estabished a national information system

    The ERIC (The educational resources information center) created a national information system
  • Apple introduces the Macintosh.

    When we say "Mac" it is refferring to the macintosh. the macintosh is a section of personal computer which applle sells them. There a lot of different types of macs like Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Mac Air, etc.
  • Web Quests for classrooms all over the worrld.

    it is a website that has scientific information that scientists have shared.
  • The first Internet

    The first Internet
    The arpanet which is basically the first internet. The Arpanet was the first packet switching (What they used to call it) which is now what we love,THE INTERNET!!!!!!