
History of Educational Policy

  • Colonial Schools

    Colonial Schools
    The first Puritan colonial schools open in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. They taught Basic Reading and Writing and the Bible.
  • First Public School

    First Public School
    The first public school opens as the Boston Latin School. It is the first public secondary school.
  • Massachusetts Act of 1642

    Massachusetts Act of 1642
    This act allowed parents to choose how their children were schooled. Children could be schooled at home or in school.
  • Ben Franklin Academy

    Ben Franklin Academy
    This English Academy replaced the Latin Grammar School. It maintins classical and modern curriculum instruction.
  • Young Ladies Academy

    Young Ladies Academy
    The first girl's academy in Philadelphia.
  • Universal Free Schools and Kindergarten

    Universal Free Schools and Kindergarten
    Horace Mann founds universal free schools which are locally controlled public schools. The first Kindergarten is also founded by Margarethe Schurz.
  • Normal School

    Normal School
    The first public normal school in Massachusetts is founded. Its instruction is in general knowledge and courses.
  • Teacher's Union

    Teacher's Union
    The birth of the teacher's union. The National Teacher's Association (now the NEA) has only 100 initial members.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    The Department of Educaiton is founded to establish effective school systems.
  • Forced Schooling

    Forced Schooling
    Native American children are forced to attend boarding schools. These schools required them to speak English and attend church to try to assimilate them into Anglo-American culture. .
  • Plessy versus Ferguson

    Plessy versus Ferguson
    The Supreme Court ruling that establishes "separate but equal". This legalizes segregation in schools
  • American Federation of Teachers

    American Federation of Teachers
    This Federation was formed. It is alongside the NTA.
  • Free Public Schools

    Free Public Schools
    All states pass a law requiring children to attend school through elementary grades.
  • Pierce v Society of Sisters

    Pierce v Society of Sisters
    This ruling stated that children cannot be compelled to attend public school. This led the way to private schools.
  • GI Bill of Rights

    GI Bill of Rights
    This bill provided federal funding for veterans to attend colleges and universities.
  • Free School Lunch

    Free School Lunch
    This provided low cost or free school lunches to low income families.
  • Brown v Board of Ed

    Brown v Board of Ed
    This ruling reverses Plessy v Ferguson. It outlaws segregation in schools and other areas.
  • Engel v Vitale

    Engel v Vitale
    This law banned organized prayer in public schools. A year later, reading the Bible is banned. This set s a precedent for limiting prayer in schools.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act provided for federal funding to schools. It also outlawed a national curriuculm.
  • Diana v California State Board of Education

    Diana v California State Board of Education
    This law outcome required that children who are reffered for special education services be tested in their own native language.
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized Testing
    Standardized testing that is used to measure school performance is required to be reported to the government and public. This causes increased school accountability.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 becomes law. It prohibits discrimination based on sex. It is most known for equal treatment and opportunities for girls in athletics.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    This act becomes a law. Section 504 of this act gives civil rights to students with special needs. It requires that accomodations be instilled in school for students that participate in its activities.
  • Lau v Nichols

    Lau v Nichols
    This ruling expands the rights of students with Limited English Proficiency. It states that these students should receive an equal education.
  • IDEA

    This is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This provides for a free appropriate education regardless of a student's ability. This safe guards services to special education.
  • NCLB

    This is the No Child Left Behind Act signed into law by President George W Bush. This act increases federal funding to education and brings forth standards based reform of schools.
  • Individuals with Disability improvement Act

    Individuals with Disability improvement Act
    This act is a reauthorization that requires schools to use Repsonse to Intervention as a means for early interventions for special needs students.

    This is the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. It was formed to benefit those with special needs and accomodations for the school setting.
  • Common Core Standards Initiative

    Common Core Standards Initiative
    An initiative to have all states design a common core curriculum for all schools and entities within each state.
  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
    This act gave 90 billion dollars to education for repairs and to prevent layoffs in schools.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    This initiative was signed into agreement by President Barack Obama. It provided 4.83 billion dollars for education reform. States are required to compete for the federal grants.
  • NCLB

    This reauthorization of the NCLB contains requests by the U.S. Department of Education of flexibility on some requirements of the NCLB.
  • Waiver from NCLB

    Waiver from NCLB
    President Barack Obama approves ten waivers from NCLB. This encourages many more states to file for waivers from requirements of the act.