
History of Education

  • Colonial Period: Dame Schools

    Colonial Period: Dame Schools
    Dame schools were held in the kitchen or living room of a neighborhood, widowed women, who had very little education herself. Girls were allowed to come and learn but only recieved very little education. The puritans said little girls needed only a little reading, spelling, and needlework. Writing, arithmitic, grammar, and geology were considered unnecessary.
  • First Published Education Book

    First Published Education Book
    Noah Webster is responsible for publishing the first educational book. This book is also the foundation of the Websters dictionary. Noah taught reading, spelling, and grammer. He also made it a point to speak the American english rather than the Kings english.
  • *MOST IMPORTANT* University of Virgina

    *MOST IMPORTANT* University of Virgina
    The University of Virgina was founded at this time by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was for citizens being well educated. To elect and vote for the president, it was required that you could read and write. Jefferson also said the democracy needed education.
  • *MOST IMPORTANT* Common Schools

    *MOST IMPORTANT* Common Schools
    Every child would recieve a free education funded by the taxes of the people. This movement started in Massachusettes and was all thanks to the "Father of the Common School," Horace Mann. He was elected Secretary of the Board of Education. His movement soon spread impacting other schools to give children a free education.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The Progressive Reform Movement
    I think this movment was a step in the right direction by making school attendance mandatory for children. This helped get kids out of factory work and pushed them to receive a quality education they deserved. It also encouraged women, men, and minorites to get a high school education.
  • Committee of Ten

    In 1892 there was a group of men that decided to create revisle the curriculum. They created the standarization of American high school education. They also propsed the recommendation of 8 years of elementary and four years of secondar education.
  • 19th Century Immigration

    19th Century Immigration
    Immigration had rose significantly. It doubled in the 1900's and made common schools overcrowed. Immigrants were given a place they would be able to learn language at and also the democracy of America. Because of the immigrant different religious veiws, problems began to arise.
  • John Dewy

    John Dewy
    John Dewy believed that children learn best by hands on experience. He expressed how learning would be better quality by teaching in the whole child. Dewy is also known as the Father of Progressive Education.
  • *MOST IIMPORTANT* Brown Vs. Board of Education

    *MOST IIMPORTANT* Brown Vs. Board of Education
    It is because of this case our schools offer equal rights to education without segregation. Oliver Brown went up against the supreme court and expressed that it was important to integrate all races into school education. This was a very important time for the education system we now have today.
  • *MOST IMPORTANT* Sputnik and NDEA

    *MOST IMPORTANT* Sputnik and NDEA
    The advancement in science and technology was placed after the launching of sputnik. Students were highly encouraged to go to college after they graduated to study science and math. Their tuition fees would be paid for. President Eisenhower enacted the National Defence of Education Act that stimulated all of this.
  • *MOST IMPORTANT* Civil Rights Act

    *MOST IMPORTANT* Civil Rights Act
    Race, religion, sex, or any form of discrimination was outlawed by the US legislation. 16,000 educational systems, 3200 colleges, and many other libraries and museums were being funded by the federal government. Those that were being funded by the federal government now must open programs and activites to everyone.
    I think this was a very big step for the educational system; now financial aid, grading, admissions, and housing to all be equal.
  • Elementary and Secondar Education

    The elementary and secondary education act provided the funds to help low income students get an education. President Lyndon Johnson passed this as a part of the "War on Poverty." Programs for the disabled, homeless, migrants, and American Indians as well as others, were brought on by the ESEA. This act was also a result for title 1 and bilingual education.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    This act was originally passed to ensure that children with disabilites were offered the same education as any other child. But it has grown into such a great thing by helping babies and toddlers as well. Equal opportunites for those with disabilities made such a big difference in our history of education.
  • The Standards Movement

    The Standards Movement
    This movement was the beginning of the academic standards we now have today. "A Nation at Risk," was an article that was published that started it all. This was when our country re-evaluated the quality of the American education.
  • NCLB (No Child Left Behind)

    NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
    NCLB was re-evaluated by the ESEA and approved by congress replacing the Bilingila Education Act. Schools will now be held accountable for student attainment. Financial penalties will be made if schools do not reach adequate yearly progress for NCLB.