
History of education

  • Colonial Period

    Colonial Period
    Education was mainly for boys. Upper classes would have private tutors at home, then they would be sent to Europe to college. The middle class would attend dame schools and grammar schools, seldom went to college. Lower classes would be taught at home
  • 1779 Jefferson, Rush & Webster

    1779 Jefferson, Rush & Webster
    Jefferson proposed a free education for aal and then selecting some that were more advanced to continue educating to then teach and serve society. Rush focused on the need to educate women and Webster proposed different schools for different disciplines.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Congress passes a law that created townships and each township should have a local school.
  • Common Schools Movement 1820-1860

    Common Schools Movement 1820-1860
    It consisted in making School free for all. First poor children would go for free and upper class had to pay. Later it was free for all but segregated by race/
  • 1851 Inmigration and education

    1851 Inmigration and education
    It's purpose was to make immigrant children "Civilized", to learn obedience and restraint. That they learn to be good workers and good members of society
  • 1879 Carlisle indian Boarding school

    1879 Carlisle indian Boarding school
    Was created in Pennsylvania it was meant to help Indian children assimilate into American culture.
  • 1896 Plessy Vs Ferguson

    1896 Plessy Vs Ferguson
    Supreme court ruled that Louisiana has the right to require"separate but equal" railroad cars for blacks and white, Federal government legally recognizes segregation resulting in segregation of public schools
  • 1932 Measurement movement

    1932 Measurement movement
    A survey realized in schools revealed that most schools are performing intelligence tests to place students on different levels/
  • 1945 College scholarships

     1945 College scholarships
    at the end of world war 2 The G. I Bill of rights gave scholarships to thousands of working class men.
  • 1954 Brown Vs Brown

    1954 Brown Vs Brown
    The supreme court rules that segregated schools are "Inherently unequal" and must be abolished. Schools continue to be segregated.
  • 1957 National Defense Education Act

    1957 National Defense Education Act
    When Russia launches the first earth orbiting satellite, Sputnik, America realizes the need of funding in science education to remain competitive.
  • 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Was passed as the US war on poverty and provides equal access to education and creates high standards and accountability. It intends to breach the gaps between students, creating equal opportunities.
  • 1975 Individuals with disabilities education Act

    1975 Individuals with disabilities education Act
    It's a law that establishes that children with disability can obtain free public education. Provides funding for special education.
  • 1983 A Nation at Risk report

    1983 A Nation at Risk report
    This report declared that the nation was at risk because of its decline in education
  • Growth of Standarized testing

    Growth of Standarized testing
    Standardized testing refers to answering the same type of questions in the same way, to compare the performance of different students.
  • 2001No Child Left Behind

    2001No Child Left Behind
    It supports Standard Based education reforms that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes