
History of Education

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    This is important because it is some of the first steps taking to start getting schools more available for more than the rich people. It also shows how religion had a big toll on how schools were being run.
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, and Webster

    The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, and Webster
    They really helped get education moving becuase they wanted to make sure people are getting the basic education they need to live in the new society. A big thing that came out is that Webster wrote the Blue- back speller to go off American education rather than British education. It shows how we are going to do education different here in America.
  • Common School

    This is when they started to give more people the opportunity to be in school, for example they wanted women to go to three years of school so they can be ready to be married. All kids were getting the ability to go to school.
  • Secondary School Movement

    Public schools offerng edcation after elmentary school. Because of this movemen the first comprehensive high school was set in Massachusetts.
  • The Impact of Horace Mann

    The Impact of Horace Mann
    He is know as the father of American education because he became the spokesman for the common school movement. Wanting the students to have regular attendance in school.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The Progressive Reform Movement
    This focused on trying to reform the curriculum and admistration. It was also imporant because it pushed to make schools more sanitary and conducive to creative activity. It helped show how they want it to be a great envirnoment for them to learn and really progress.
  • Committee of Ten

    The national association of edcuation created this committee to help set up a standardized curriculum for the schools. They focused on basic subject and college bound students.
  • The Measurement Movement

    This gave a way to have comparison to the norm of intelligence. The tests when used to help find learning disablilities. It was so imporant because there needs to be some type of of way measure intelligence and this gave a way to do that.
  • The Impact of WW2

    Teachers were leaving to fight in the war and enrollment really dropped in colleges as well. Education was not was everyone was focused on at this point.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    This was such an imporant part of history because it focused on how public schools should not have segregation. It marked the beginning of the Civil right movement. It later helped propel not only blacks in schools but other groups as well like the disabled.
  • The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty

    They noticed that there was a growing population of hispanics and schools were only being taught in engilish. The Civil Rights Movement made it so schools used the Bilingual act which made it so schools can provide bilingual education.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This is key because it goes along with the war on poverty. They wanted to make sure that the families that were in poverty still had access to education. This act made it so that finicial aid was availble to people in poverty so they can still get an education.
  • The Standards Movement

    The Standards Movement
    This is so important because they were trying to change what schools were teaching and so came up with national standards. This means they wanted students to have access to high quality education rather than compensatory services. Now we are still using stanards today showing how important this step is on the histpry of education.
  • Growth of Standardized Testing

    This helped educators everywhere know that they need to help their students pass the standardized testing. The problem is that is only requires to the give information back rather than applying it in their own lives.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This was so important in educaiton because it shows how they want to make sure every student is moving along. They are putting into practice things like standards to make sure they learn the material necessary to be ready for the next class. They are showing how every student is important no matter where they come from.