History of Computers

  • Mechanical Era

    Mechanical Era
    The first machine was used for difficult mathematical problems and had no memory. The machine was very slow and would sometimes not do the job it is told to do.
  • First Typewriter

    First Typewriter
    Four men in Milwaukee created the first typewriter which allowed people to create papers neatly.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Made by two students from the University of Pennsylvania and occupied about 1800 square feet
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    Created by two men and was called the 4004. This allowed computers to do more complex things.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    Motorola employee Martin Cooper made a call in Manhattan to New Jersey successfully. The phone was large and heavy and nothing like what we have today
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in New Mexico, USA
  • Apple

    In California Steve Jobs founded one of the largest technology companies ever created
  • First Household Computer

    First Household Computer
    In 1985, the USA brought smaller computers into peoples homes. These computers couldn't do much they were high tech at the time, but theses ones cost a lot of money so not many people had them.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    Steve Jobs introduces a new kind of phone known as the iphone. This phone had more features than any other phone allowing you to play games on the device.
  • Future of Computers

    Future of Computers
    Technology has changed a lot from the start of the computer and will continue to change far into the future and will make life so much easier than it was 30 years ago