History of Computers

  • HP founded

    HP founded
    David Packard and Bill Hewlett found the well-known computer company HP. They create the HP 200A Oscillator which instantly becomes a huge sucess with audio engineers. (Exact date of foundation is not listed) Image: http://assets.gearlive.com/blogimages/gallery/hp-garage/028-hp-garage-tour_medium.jpg
  • George Stiblitz creates the CNC number calculator

    George Stiblitz creates the CNC number calculator
    George Stiblitz creates and demonstrates his CNC number calculator at an American Mathematical Society conference. This was considered to be the foundation of remote access engineering. (Exact date is not listed) Image: http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/9a9755e3ae1118155df30b4d9f5ba857_1M.png
  • First Bombe completed

    First Bombe completed
    The first "Bombe" is completed in 1941 to serve as a way to decrypt nazi military messages. (Exact date not listed) Image: http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/images/1941_turing-bombe.jpg
  • ENIAC Computer Completed

    ENIAC Computer Completed
    The ENIAC Computer is completed in Feburary of 1946 by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. It was fully programmable and is known as the first working high speed electronic-digital computer. Image: http://whyy.org/cms/radiotimes/files/2011/02/eniac1.jpg
  • Transistor invented

    Transistor invented
    The transistor is invented in the year 1947. This device was dedicated to replace the vaccuum tube so that much smaller, more practical computers could be made. Image: http://cdn.zmescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/power_transistor.jpg
  • IBM Ships first electronic computer

    IBM Ships first electronic computer
    In 1953 the still known company IBM shipped the first fully electronic computer, the 701. Only 19 were sold, and that was to aircraft companies, research labs, and federal establishments. (Exact date not listed) Image: http://goldenink.com/images/ibm701.jpg
  • Integrated Circuit invented

    Integrated Circuit invented
    In 1958 the Integrated Circuit Board or Chip was invented by Jack St. Clair Kirby. This was sought to reduce the faulty wiring problems that transistors had, and be able to make even smaller computers. The computers we know today still use these to operate. (Exact date not listed) Image: http://icplus.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/integrated-circuits.jpg
  • Period: to

    Mainframe Computers become more popular

    Mainframe computers become increasingly popular among big industries, especially with the US Space program. IBM has a large influence over the industry throughout this time.
  • Apple II unveiled

    Apple II unveiled
    The Apple II is unveiled by Steve Jobs and Woziniak at a tech convention in San Francisco. The computer had BASIC programming language, 4100 character memory, and color graphics. By the end of the fair Jobs and Woziniak had more than 300 orders for the Apple II. The company Apple originated from these sales and is still around today as one of the most sucessful businesses of all time. (Actual date not listed) Image: http://www.the-techbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/appleii.jpg
  • The TRS-80

    The TRS-80
    Tandy Radio Shack's first desktop computer (The TRS-80) sells over 10,000 units for a price of $599 each. The company takes off from there. (Exact date not listed) Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e4/TRS-80_Model_I_-_Rechnermuseum_Cropped.jpg/280px-TRS-80_Model_I_-_Rechnermuseum_Cropped.jpg
  • Apple releases first gen Macinosh. IBM competes

    Apple releases first gen Macinosh. IBM competes
    Apple releases their first gen Macintosh, first computer to come with a keyboard, mouse, and GUI. Very user friendly which made it popular among households. Sales of this machine made Apple extremely successful. IBM competed with this Macintosh with sales of the 286-AT. This came with programs like Microsoft Word and Lotus 1-2-3 which made it popular among businesses. Image: http://www.vectronicsappleworld.com/macintosh/articlepics/firstgen/image4.jpg
  • Steve Jobs leaves Apple to create the NeXT

    Steve Jobs leaves Apple to create the NeXT
    Steve Jobs leaves Apple to create the NeXT. The NeXT becomes the first computer to use an optical storage disc, a built in voice recognition function, and object oriented programming language like JAVA. (Exact date not known) Image: http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/globalmedia/nmem/76340_2.PNG
  • The World-Wide Web is introduced to the public

    The World-Wide Web is introduced to the public
    The World Wide Web is set for public use. Image: http://uregina.ca/~adeyojui/www2.jpg