History of Animation

  • The "Magin Lantern"

    The "Magin Lantern"
    The "Magic Lantern" was invinted by Dutch scinetist Christian Huygens and Danish mathematician thomas Resmussen Walgensten. They both invented and came up with ideas for Lantern Projectors.
    Huygens had a lantern at least as early as November 1659.
    In 1663, the London optician John Reeves started to make lanterns for sale.
  • Thaumatrope

    This toy was known as the "turning marvel" or even the "wonder turner". This invention was made by Astronomer Sir John Herchel. However, a well known physicist, Dr. A. Paris, made this toy popular. Thaumatropes were the first of many optical toys, simple devices that continued to provide animated entertainment. This toy was used during the Victoria Era.
  • Phenakistoscope

    This was an early annimation device, then predicessor of the Zoetrope. This was invented by the Belgian Plateau and the Austrian Simon Von Stampfer. The audience for this type of animation would be rich people; for example, the emperor of China. The technique was spinning it while looking at it in slots.
  • Flip Book

    Flip Book
    A flip book is a little book that contains multiple, little drawings that are really slight in change that when flipped quickly the drawings come to move. The flip book was first referred to as a Kineograph which means moving picture. This name was coined by John Barnes Linnet, a nineteenth century artist and film pioneer.
  • Praxinoscope

    Invented by Frenchman Charles Reynaud. It was the first device to overcome the picture destortion caused by viewing through moving slots. This device quickly replaced the zoetrope in popularity. This invention occured when Reynaud found a way to project the series of pictures onto a screen. He used a long roll of paper to increase the number of pictures, and was therefore able to create a much longer show for the audience.