Historical Timeline

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson 1896-Congress ratified the Fourteenth Amendment Guaranteeing civil rights. This had little impact, but then in the Plessy decision it was the courts majority opinion that African Americans and whites were politically equal but socially unequal.
  • Standardized Testing 1917

    Standardized Testing 1917
    Standardized Testing 1917- During World War I, These tests were designed for testing large groups of people at the same time. This was cost effective and efficient
  • The Cardinal Principles Report 1918

    The Cardinal Principles Report 1918
    The Cardinal Principles Report 1918-One of the 20th century’s most influential education documents. This brought liberal arts classes into schools, allowing students to follow their own academic or vocational interests.
  • Intellectually Disabled Act 1972

    Intellectually Disabled Act 1972
    Intellectually Disabled 1972- In District of Columbia it was established that all children who were intellectually disabled would be provided free and appropriate education.
  • No Child Left Behind 2002

    No Child Left Behind 2002
    No Child Left Behind Act 2002- Allocated federal money to rigorous and highly public school accountability for raising traditionally underserved students’ academic achievement