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Historical Timeline

By khunt4
  • Horace Mann, First Secretary of Education

    Horace Mann, First Secretary of Education
    This event brought schools together to become unified as school systems. It also helped establish a universal, free, socially efficient, and civil education for all.
  • Booker T. Washington founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute

    Booker T. Washington founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute
    This event was one of the first stepping stones in getting society to see African Americans and whites as equals. It gave many African Americans the courage to pursue education. It paved the way for social and economic equality among whites and African Americans.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This event gave equivalent educational opportunities to minority children. It also recognized that in order to prepare children to live in a democratic society, it was important to make them aware of cultural values. This belief is still followed today.
  • Handicap Children's Act

    Handicap Children's Act
    This event is important because it made it harder for schools to exclude children with disabilities. This act gave individuals with disabilities a free, appropriate, and equal education to their peers.
  • No Child Left Behind Act Passed

    No Child Left Behind Act Passed
    This event is important because it held schools, districts, and states accountable for the education being provided to all students. It also placed more highly qualified teachers in the classrooms.