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  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was a historic period of economic and social transformation between 1760 and 1840. It brought unprecedented change to communities around the world. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution began in England, because the territory provided the basic economic, political, social and technological conditions for this great change. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution had become part of the communities of continental Europe, the United States, and Japan.
  • triple alliance war

    triple alliance war
    his war began, once the head of Paraguay, Solano López, went to Uruguay to help the white party system, which was in a civil war against the Colorado party, which it was seconded by the Brazilian armed forces, after invading a ship 12 november 1864. Due to political interests in favor of the white party, Solano López took his troops to Uruguay, for this he had to cross Argentina and demanded a permission which has been rejected.
  • Revolution 1868

    Revolution 1868
    In September 1868, due to the "Glorious Revolution" that overthrew Queen Elizabeth II of Spain, this riot ceased to exist in history. The military who led the rebellion stirred reason
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    The Franco-Prussian War has been a war problem that was fought between July 1870 and May 1871 between the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia,with the help of the German Confederation of the North and the partner kingdoms of Baden, Bavaria and Württemberg. The tension was made greater thanks to the growing dominance, not tolerated by France, exercised by the German states in the part south of the Main water flow, and the Prussian leadership exercised in the North German Confederation
  • Pacific War

    Pacific War
    The War of the Pacific has been an armed problem that occurred between 1879 and 1884 that confronted Chile against partners Peru and Bolivia. War not yet declared, in February 1879 the Chilean militia The Chilean occupied the Bolivian port of Antofagasta without resistance and advanced the following month towards the interior of the province, where the first armed combat occurred with the Topater contest and that It led to the capture of Calama, supply point for Bolivian troops.