Historical Events in Education

  • Religion in schools

    Religion in schools
    Most colonists that were in the New England colonies at the time were from England and most of them were Puritans. This was a religious group that believed in religious education and valued each persons ability to read the bible. They saw schools as a way to reach those goals and focus on teaching farming. They used education as a way to safeguard their beliefs and way of life.
  • Education at home

    Education at home
    Parents who had the chance would teach their children from home. They would teach them basic math and arithmetic skills. Since they were home they also observed the work their parents did and that helped prepare them for adulthood. This was taking place when schools were available because they were only in well populated areas.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was one of the many people to sign the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He was not only a politician though he also worked as a scientist, writer, and inventor. He was a very curious man who like to learn new things so he read many books to educate himself. He wanted others to have the opportunity to read as many books as he did so he started the first public library. He also started a secondary school in Philadelphia that offered many different subjects.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States and one of the most brilliant individuals in history. He was a politician, an architect, a philosopher, an inventor, a farmer, and a writer. He played a major role in establishing the current American education system. He believed that education was the key to making the newly formed democracy a success.
  • Class Divisions

    Class Divisions
    Social and Economic class divisions were mostly rigid in the southern colonies. Education was not considered a function of government at this time. The children of wealthy plantation owners were given a good education that prepared them for college and their future in general. The middle class was a lot smaller in the southern colonies than in other areas. Middle class and poor children had a lot less opportunities for formal education.
  • Dame Homes

    Dame Homes
    Dame schools were schools where students were taught by women in their own homes. Parents would have to pay a fee for their children to attend these schools. These schools were available for both boys and girls.
  • New Education

    New Education
    Educators came to believe that people can improve their lives and society through the use of reason. Schools were being seen as a vehicle for making a better society. Education was becoming more about promoting liberty and freedom since America was growing into an independent nation so the ideas and traditions of Europe had less of an influence. Religion was not taught as much instead they were focusing on teaching the students on agriculture, business, and shipping.
  • American Common School Period

    American Common School Period
    At the beginning of this time period, which lasted from 1840-1880, most American children received minimal schooling if any. By the end of the period education was much more widely available including free public education.
  • African-American Education

    African-American Education
    Before the civil war, very few African-American slaves were able to read or write. There were not many African-American schools that existed. Children usually had to find work as early as they could because their parents jobs had low wages. After the civil war, an effort was put in to improve education opportunities. Later the first African-American colleges were opened but this effort didn't last long. Most schools stayed strictly segregated.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann served as the first secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts. He made an impact on education nationally as well as in his state. He worked hard to establish free public education for every boy and girl in Massachusetts. One key innovation of his was the establishment of teacher-training schools. He also successfully advocated the establishment of free libraries.
  • Kindergarten

    Friedrich Froebel, who was a German education, developed the idea for kindergarten. He had a theory that young children learned best through play. Songs and games were used in schools to teach children.The method succeeded and public schools started offering kindergarten program.
  • Segregated Educations

    Segregated Educations
    Schools during the American Progressive Period were still highly segregated. African-American students had to attend different public schools that received less funding. The educational materials were scarce and inferior and they were often castoffs the the white schools. African-American teacher can only teach in African-American schools and they would receive a way lower pay.
  • Montessori Method

    Montessori Method
    Maria Montessori was trying to find new ways to help children who had difficulty learning. The students that she worked what usually had medical conditions that may have kept them form learning. She believed that young children were capable of great discovery and are able to explore the world. Her method is still used to this day. The method considers all of the child's needs, not just intellectual needs. Children direct their own learning with teachers as their partners.