Historia del ingles

  • 449 BCE

    Before the Roman invasion

    Before the Roman invasion
    The celts lived in England before the Romans invaded. Earliest inhabitants of the British Isles to leave a mark on our language.
  • 410 BCE

    Roman invasion of Britain

    Roman invasion of Britain
    This invasion is separated in three episodes: The first deals with the invasion and the events leading up to it. The second covers the revolt by the Queen Boudicca. The final episode discusses typical life in Roman Britain.
  • 600

    Anglo - Saxons

    Anglo - Saxons
    The conquest of the Celtics population in Britain by speakers of West Germanic dialects, eventually determined many of the essential characteristics of the English Language.
  • 850


    The vikings controled most of Eastern England, before being pushed back into the North East of the country by King Alfred. They bring almost 2000 new words into the English vocabulary.
  • 1500


    Shakespeare's writings greatly influenced the entire English language, once Shakespeare's plays became popular in the late seventeenth and eighteenth century, they helped contribute to the standardization of the English language, with many Shakespearean words and phrases becoming embedded in the English language, particularly through projects such as Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language which quoted Shakespeare more than any other writer.
  • ''Un sueño de una noche de verano''

    ''Un sueño de una noche de verano''
    Hermia está comprometida con Demetrio pero está enamorada de Lisandro y no puede casarse con él porque su padre no lo acepta. Entonces esta pareja de enamorados decide fugarse al bosque. Después de una travesía con duendes, hadas, pociones y un hombre con cabeza de asno, el drama se soluciona. Es una historia bastante cómica y llena de fantasía.