Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn's Birthplace/ date

    Thomas Kuhn's Birthplace/ date
    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18th, 1922 in Cincinatti, Ohio. (Encyclopædia Britannica)
  • Radio Research

    Radio Research
    After completing his bachelor's in physics in 1943 Thomas was elected to join Harvard's Radio Research Laboratory’s theoretical group. Then was shipped to the United Kingdom in developing countermeasures for enemy radars. (Stewart, Doug)
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    From the years of 1940 to 1949 Kuhn graduated from Harvard University with a doctorate in physics with distinction. (Stewart, Doug)
  • Philosophy of science

    Philosophy of science
    After completing his doctorate in Physics something clicked in Thomas's brain where he suddenly became more enthused by the Philosophy and history of science. Therefore, between the years of 1951 to 1956 Thomas taught history or philosophy of science to undergraduates at Harvard. (Encyclopædia Britannica)
  • University of California Berkely

    University of California Berkely
    In 1961 after working at the University for a few years he accepted a position as a professor. This let Thomas continue his interest in the Philosophy of Science. (Bird, Alexander)
  • Scientific Revolutions and Paradigm Shifts!

    Scientific Revolutions and Paradigm Shifts!
    In 1962, Kuhn created the concept of paradigm shifts which was explained in his writing of "the structure of scientific revolutions." This was a very substantial idea not only in science, but in other fields of work. Kuhn became a household name in the philosophy community afterwards. (Bird, Alexander)
  • Kuhn Vs. Popper

    Kuhn Vs. Popper
    In Bedford, London a international colloquium (seminar) was supposed to be held between Kuhn and Feyerabend who supported Karl Popper's view on critical rationalism. Feyerabend became sick and another philosopher took his place whom was chaired by popper. This Kuhn vs. Popper debate was later illustrated in "Criticism and the growth of knowledge." These debates were fantastic ways for great scholars to argue their points about specific philosophical views. (Bird, Alexander)
  • Teacher, Mentor, Philospher

    Teacher, Mentor, Philospher
    During the years leading up to his death Thomas taught at many great universities to include Princeton University between 1964-1979 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1979-1991. Kuhn had a massive impact on all those he taught. (Encyclopædia Britannica)
  • Death

    Thomas Kuhn passed away in Cambridge, MA on June 17, 1996.
  • Conclusion

    Thomas Kuhn's impact on philosophy of science has greatly improved the way we can view/approach ideas. His work on "The structure of scientific revolutions" changed the way we can look at certain events. Although not touched on his individual accolades' he deserves a ton of credit for the amount of dedication and effort he put into the scientific community as a whole.
  • Paradigm Short video

    Paradigm Short video
  • Works Cited

    “Thomas S. Kuhn.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Bird, Alexander. “Thomas Kuhn.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 31 Oct. 2018, Stewart, Doug. “Thomas Kuhn.” Famous Scientists,