Heroes Don't Run

By kane23
  • Exposition

    Adam Pelko is a 17 year old who lives in Bakersfield California. He has little sister Bea. His dad died at the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He wants to avenge his fathers death by joining the marines.
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    Adam vistes his grandfather because his mom wouldn't sign for him to go to the marines. So he hopes his grandfather will sign for him.
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    Adam's grandfather finally signed for him. He is finally in boot camp with other recrutes . He was classified as 1A. The instructor is in prease with Adams action.
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    He graduated boot camp and now he is stationed on the LST. He was assigned to Captin Rosie's squad. This was his first time in the front lines. The entire squad has to sleep in holes every night. Adam and Rosie were in the same hole and one night while they were in there hole a grenade came rolling down and Adam flipped it out. Then Rosie patted him on the back and said "you saved my life".
  • Climax

    One night Adam, Dudley, and Rosie were in a hole. When all of a suden a morter shell explodes in their hole and Rosie jumpes on Adam and Dudley. They were all brought out of the hole but only Adam and Dudley survived. The doctors said if Rosie didn't jump on you guys all of you would be dead.
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    Adam is in Aiea Naval Hospital next to Pearl Harbor. He broke both his legs. Martin is a old friend he was with Adam when his dad died. Martin comes to visit him in the hospital.
  • Falling action

    Adam is finally home, he goes to visit his grandfather and tells him about his expierience in the front lines.
  • Resolution

    Adam leaves his grandfather to go visit his mom and his sister. Once he see's his mom they all hug and his mom said you are not the only one who changed we all have been through a lot.
  • Direct characterization

    Adam's mom said Bea is really mature now. This is direct because the text states that Bea is mature.
  • Direct characterization

    Rosie said "Your a marine and that makes you a hero". This is Direct because the text states Adam is a hero.
  • indirect characterization

    Adam said that the Japiness would fight till their last breath. this shows me the Japiness are strong.