Herbert Hoover

  • Herbert Hoover is born in West Branch Iowa

    Herbert Hoover is born in West Branch Iowa
  • At the age of 6 Herbert Hoover dad dies (Signifagant fact about childhood)

    At the age of 6 Herbert Hoover dad dies (Signifagant fact about childhood)
    This is important because this makes him soon move to oregon where he persues presidency. Also this was most likey really hard for a young biy to have his dad die.
  • Herbert was Raised in Oergon (Signifagant fact about childhood)

    Herbert was Raised in Oergon (Signifagant fact about childhood)
    This is important because He had to over come being born and rasied in two totally diffrent areas.
  • Herbert is nominated as a republican candidate (Led to him fame)

    Herbert is nominated as a republican candidate (Led to him fame)
    This is one of the events that led to him being famous.
  • Herbert is elected presedent (Led to his fame)

    Herbert is elected presedent (Led to his fame)
    This makes him one of the most famous people in the world.
  • He cuts taxes (Led to his fame)

    He cuts taxes (Led to his fame)
    When he was predent the great depression was going on a move that made led to his fame was when he decided to cut taxes.
  • He says the famous words “We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land"( Led to his fame)

    He says the famous words “We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land"( Led to his fame)
    These words led him to become more of a famous person
  • Herbert hoover dies in New York

    Herbert hoover dies in New York
    This is important becuase he left a huge impact on our country and it is a sad day when any president dies.
  • Why he is still important today

    Why he is still important today
    He was the one who took most of the blame for the great depression. Even today he is still blamed.