Henry Ford

  • Henry Ford's Birthday

    Mr. Ford was born on July 30th, 1863. In Deerfield Township, Michigan, he was born to a family of farmers who had to work hard but got by. He didn't love the work but did it because he had to. He never intended to take it over. His decision was to leave for Detroit to become a machinist. The return to his family farm showed his skill at the Westinghouse motors where he took his employment to lead his passion.
  • Quadricycle.

    Mr. Ford couldn't get to work on his car right away. He had to put aside his knowledge of motors to create a way to integrate the motor into a carriage. This new item was constructed to fit the ethanol powered motor into a vehicle so it would drive (Gelderman). Powering something without horses would be seen as news breaking technology. Due to this reputation the items were costly at $200 a piece in addition to their one by one construction time consuming process.
  • Model T

    Model T
    With Mr. Ford having played with engines and carriages before, he could incorporate his previous knowledge into his prized Model T. He refined it so well that he could begin selling it to the common folk that are displayed behind him (University of Michigan Dearborn). He knew his vehicle was at the forefront but that never stopped him from enhancing it. It had a four cylinder enginer, shock absorbing springs, and started the steering wheel on the left side, setting precedents we follow today.
  • Raise Minimum Wage

    Raise Minimum Wage
    Mr. Ford made the announcement that he would raise his workers' minimum wage to $5 a day: the highest of the time. Also the assembly line production technique allowed him to cut costs enough to make this possible (The Profit-Sharing). With these new moves Mr.Ford attracted the talented workers because of the higher pay, which increased productivity. This compounded with the assembly line again skyrocketed his popularity since the new 5$ wage made him out to be caring as well.
  • Tour of Factories: Mentality.

    In 1942, with the war starting, the government needed mechanization for the war machine. The government used existing factories and repurposed them to make tanks instead of cars or planes instead of buildings ( Henry Ford's Inspection). Mr. Ford did this towards his end at the helm of the Ford Motor Company. It was one of his last moves that upset the Board of Directors because of Mr. Ford;s mismanagement of Ford due to mental issues.
  • Mr. Ford's Death

    Mr. Ford's Death
    Mr. Ford died in his home at the age of 83. He was at Dearborn, Michigan when it occurred and the cause was a cerrebral Hemorrhage: bleeding/bruising of the brain (Associated Press). This was expected as his mental capacity lessened over the years due to its persistent effects. and showed in his final years as head of Ford Motor Company. However this was still a huge loss to the brand name as its naming father had passed along with its former most innovative mind.