Henry ford 1919

Henry Ford

By gogel
  • Birth

    This was the day Henry ford was born. He was born in Wayne County, Michigan. He will grow up to be a great man.
  • Period: to

    Henry Ford

    This is the life of Henry Ford
  • Watch fixing

    Watch fixing
    When Henry was 13, his father gave him a pocket watch. The took apart and reassembled it. His neighbors thought it was impressive, and they had him fix their watch. This was the start of him showing he was intelligent and had inventive skill.
  • Shipbuilding

    When Ford was 16, he left the farm to go as an apprentice as a machinist at a shipbuilding firm in Detroit. While he was there he learned to service and operate steam engines. He had a lot of knowledge after this which helped him with automobiles.
  • Marriage

    In 1888 Henry Ford married Clara Ala Bryant. Then Ford had a child, Edsel Ford. He went back to farming for a short time to support his family.
  • Fords Quadricycle

    Fords Quadricycle
    This is the day Henry Ford created his first self running automobile, the Quadricycle. It was steered with a boat turner called the tiller, wire wheels, and had two speeds without reverse. He then met with Thomas Edison who told him he should make a better model.
  • Ford's better second automobile

    Ford's better second automobile
    In 1898 Ford carried out his plans and made his second automobile. This car led him to making his business. This company changed his life majorly.
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    This was Ford's most successful company. Before this he had two tries to start his own company, which eventually lead to the Ford Motor Company. This lead him to his success in his business. His cars were becoming popular.
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    This was Fords assembly line to help business. This revolutionized mass production to this day. It helped Ford majorly on his production of cars. Right after the assembly line, he raised rates to 5 dollars per day.
  • Model A

    Model A
    This is Ford Motor Company's first car after the company was established. This car had two cylinders, and eight horsepower. This car helped Ford in his business in cars at The Ford Motor Company. This was his first "car for the common man" assembled on Mack Avenue in Detroit.
  • Model A Discontinuation

    Model A Discontinuation
    The model a was dropping in sales, outsold by Chevrolet and Plymouth. The Model A was just not good enough, and discontinued in 1931. One year later ford introduced the first V-8 engine.
  • Ford with WWII

    Ford with WWII
    Ford did not support this war, for he was a pacifist. Henry did not want America to join the fight. When America did join the fight, Ford Motor Company supplied the army with jeeps, engines, airplanes, and tanks.
  • Death

    This is the day Henry Ford passed away due to a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 83. Sadly his son Edsel, died 4 years earlier than him. Ford died at Fair Lane, Dearborn, Michigan.