Henry thoreau

Henry David Thoreau

  • Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts

  • Thoreau's family moved to Boston

  • Thoreau's family moved back to Concord

  • Thoreau entered Harvard College

    He studied Latin and Greek grammar and composition
  • Thoreau grraduated and became a schoolteacher in Concord

  • Thoreau moved into the Emerson household, working as a handyman.

  • Thoreau's brother died of lockjaw

    this the result of a small untreated wound. John died in Henry's arms,
  • Thoreau wrote the book "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers"

    This book was written about the canoe trip he had taken with his brother in 1839. It combined poetry, historical background, and philosophical reflections with the narrative of the trip
  • Thoreau moved into a cabin he had began constructing during the spring

    he moved in the day before the anniversary of his brother's death,
  • Thoreau gave a speech to the Concord Lyceum

  • Thoreau's essay "Resistance to Civil Government," was published

  • Thoreau suffered bouts of tuberculosis for 4 years

  • Thoreau got heavily ill from tuberculosis, and died.