Henry Clay's Life

  • Henry Clay was born

    Born in Hanover Country, Virginia
  • Clay's father died

  • Clay works for George Wythe

    George Wythe was the first American law professor, worked in Colonial Williamsburg
  • Clay was admitted to the Virginia bar

    This date is just a guess because the website doesn't give me a specific date.
  • Henry marries Lucretia Hart

    Marries the daughter of Colonel Thomas Hart
  • Clay elected to the Kentucky General Assembly

    This is when his political career kicked off
  • Clay was appointed to the U.S. Senate

    He recieved this position at only 29 years old
  • Clay was elected to Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses

    He serves as Speaker of the House. He is resigned in January of 1814
  • Clay is peace commisioner at Ghent

  • Missouri Compromise

    Under the Missouri Compromise, all states below the latitude of Missouri, including itself, were slave states. Henry Clay was crucial in creating the Compromise of 1820. This holds the country together for about 30 years.
  • Election of 1824

    Clay runs but gets few votes. Vote comes down between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. Clay sways election in favor of Adams
  • Clay becomes Secretary of State

    Since he swayed the election for Adams, Adams appoints him Secretary of State
  • Election of 1832

    Runs for presidency but loses
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    He proposed this compromise to slowly reduce the tariff rate and ease tensions between Andrew Jackson and the legislators from the South
  • The Senate's Censure of Andrew Jackson

    Clay asks Senate to censure Jackson because he refused to give them a document. Results: 26-20 in favor of censuring Jackson
  • Clay is elected President of American Colonization Society

  • Clay resignes as U.S. Senator

  • Henry Clay runs for President again

    Runs for president as a Whig but loses.
  • Clay returns to U.S. Senate and resigns

    This is for his last term after losing in the race for President
  • Compromise of 1850

    He introduced a series of resolutions in attempt to seek a compromise to avoid a crisis betwen the North and the South
  • Clay attends opening of 32nd Congress, 1st session

  • Henry Clay died

    Died of tuberculosis in Washington at the age of 75.