Hatchet sign

Hatchet Dalton Vurnakes block 3

  • The Hatchet

    The Hatchet
    Before Brian went on his trip, His mother gave him a hatchet as a "going away" gift. So he clipped it to his belt, and held onto it firever.
  • Boarding The plane

    Boarding The plane
    Brian was on his way to visit his father in a Cessna 406 bushplane.
  • The Secret

    The Secret
    His mom had a secret about her seeing another man, that is what caused Brian's mother and father to devorce, and Brian was very anxious to tell his father about the "Secret".
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    The piolet was flying the plane and he had some horroble "body otter" so Brian didn't say anything, he just went on and finnily the piolet said i don't feel so well, and thats when his leg started shakeing, and his eyes went (etc.) So Brian had to fly the plane, so he flew the plane and relised that he couldn't fly forever becauae of the gas. So he freaks out even more, ao he decided to land the plane in an "L" shapped lake.
  • Getting Food

    Getting Food
    Getting food out in the wilderness isn't easy according to Brian. So he has to go all the way out in to the forest to find food, so he finds the cherries, and he calles them "Gut" cherries because they made his stumic hurt.. So then he finds these other cherries and they were good cherries, like the ones that you would buy in wallmart or a place like that.
  • gut cherries

    gut cherries
    Brian on the second day was hungry so he went out looking for food. And he found these cherries. and he just went bilistic on the cherries, he proably ate 1/2 of the tree! So after he did that he went back to "camp" and in the middle of the night, the cherries didn't agree with his stumic. So from that day on, he called the cherries, gut cherries.
  • The Feast Day

    The Feast Day
    The 1st feast day;
    Brian had fish, cherries, water, a fire (etc.) So he had a little feast all to him self.
    The 2nd feast day;
    Brian found the rescue pack and in the pack there was multipul foods to pick from. So he had another feast day.
  • The Bear

    The Bear
    While Brian was out picking cherries he ran into a bear, who was eating the cherries. So Brian freaked out, and ran back to camp with the berries that he picked.
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    Brian FINNILY got a fire going, when he threw his hatchet at the wall and some sparks aroze. So then he got a little smarter and got some wood, grass (etc.) and threw the hatchet and BLEW on the flames to create a fire. So thats how he got a fire going.
  • The Porcupine

    The Porcupine
    Well, Brian was sleeping when he heard this noise, and then he felt something on his foot, so he threw the hatchet at it and then it let some "SHARP" things into his leg, and at that point in time, he knew it was a porcupine.
  • The sphere

    The sphere
    Brian had to make a boe-n-arrow, to catch fish with, or foolbirds with. So he worked on and on and on until it was perfert!
  • Making Tools

    Making Tools
    According to Brian, he needs to make a "shphere" to "sphere" fish with. So he goes to this little cave thingy, and makes shperes, swards (etc.) and then he can use that to not only catch fish but to hunt.
  • The Missed Plane

    The Missed Plane
    Brian was making a "sphere" to catch fish, or foolbirds with. When he heard this noise, and it sounded like a plain, and he looked and what do you know? It was a plane, he ran to the camp, and got a fire on like a stick, and waved it up in the air to create smoke, but it was too late. He had missed the plane
  • The Foolbird

    The Foolbird
    First, let me say a foolbird is a bird. Anyway. Brian was wanting something MORE than just fish, or berries. So he decided to make a "sphere" or a Boe -n- arrow to shoot other things, so he goes out hunting and kills a foolbird and eats it. That is his dinner while he is waiting to be rescued.
  • The moose

    The moose
    This moose came out of the woods and just attacked Brian, Brian did NOT know why. It just slammed him into the water and went up and down up and down, and just contuned. So when it finnily stopped the first time, Brian slowly moved out of the water and the moose head him so it came back into the water and slammed Brian BACK into the water.And then the last time, Brian slowly moved out of the water, and then the moose just kinda looked at Brian, and then Brain stopped so the moose went on eating.
  • The Tornado

    The Tornado
    After getting attacked by the moose, Brian then gets hit with a tornado... EVERYTHING gets pushed into the lake. Even he gets thrown into the lake. So thtat day for him, was not a very good one.
  • The Cutting

    The Cutting
    Brian tried to commit suicide because he kept saing, " I can't do this any more" and it just kept on and on, so finnily he got his hatchet and cut himself, but faild to commit suicide.
  • The survival Pack

    The survival Pack
    Brian had a flash back of being in the plane, and remembered that there was a survival pack in the plane. So he build a raft, and "sailed" over to the plane and used his hatchet to get into the plane, to get the survival pack.
  • The Rescue

    Brian had the "survival pack" and in the pack was a emergentcy transmiter, so he put it down, and turned it on, so a little while later while he was having his 2nd feast, he saw this plane come down, and land on the "L" shapped lake and the man came out and said, " your that kidd, that got lost, man they stopped looking for you like 2 moths ago" So thats how he got recued
  • The wolf

    The wolf
    Brian saw a wolf drinking some water by the lake, and he was terrified, he just stood their. Waiting.... Waiting on the wolf to leave the lake. So after a while the wolf finnily left and brian was releved!