Hasnain's Educational Timeline

  • Eleve plus

    The Eleven Plus exam was created to test verbal reasoning, mathematics and English of primary school leavers to determine secondary school entry: Grammar, Secondary Modern or Technical School. The Eleven Plus is still in use in Grammar school across England and Wales. Critics argue a strong class bias of the Eleven Plus.
  • Educaton Act 1944

    Education Act / Butler Report 1944: Post-war “secondary education for all”. The act provided a framework for state education. The act Established three distinct strands or a tripartite construction of education – primary, secondary and further. It suggested free compulsory educational until the age of 15. It was the Hadow Report (1926) that recommended the school leaving age increase to 15 (wasn't implemented until 1947). It received Royal Assent on 3/08/1944 and was repealed in 1996.
  • Free Milk

    Free school milk introduced:
    A daily 1/3 of a pint of milk was provided by schools.
  • General Certificate of Education

    Introduction of the A-level and O-level examination.
  • 1976 Educational Act

    1976 Education Act 1976, gave the Secretary of State the power to ask LEAs to plan for non-selective (ie comprehensive) secondary education (repealed by the Conservatives in 1979).
  • Introduction of the National Curriculum

    The School Curriculum (1981) This DES booklet gave advice to LEAs on curriculum development in their schools.
  • No to corporal punishment

    Corporal punishment was outlawed in state schools.
    Although corporal punishment was made illegal in the UK in state schools from August 1987, the practice still continues in private schools across the world, including Australia.
  • 1988 Education Reform Act

    Education reform Act 1988
    The ERA 1988 was the most influential change in the education system since the ERA 1944. Aspects of the Act:
    • The National Curriculum was introduced.
    • Key stages were developed as objectives for attainment.
    • The act created a choice of where parents could send their schools.
    • League tables were produced with the publication of school exam results.
    • Grant Maintained Schools were introduced to create autonomy from LEA and were funded by Central Government
  • My Birth

    St Thomas Hospital
  • Introduction of SATs

    SATs introduced:
    Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) as part of the Conservative Government led by John Major attempted to raise the standards of core disciplines of English, maths and science. They assessed student achievement in line with the National Curriculum
  • Futher Education Act 1992

    A national scheme of school inspection was created by John Major’s Conservative government. Out of this emerged OFSTED, a non-ministerial government department, responsible for the inspection of schools in England under the Education (Schools) Act 1992.
  • Primary school

    I started primary school where i developed an interst in science.
  • Student Finance Act 1996

    Education (Student Loans) Act 1996
    This act extended the provision of the student loan act of 1990 and had wider financial implications for HE students.
    This act was played a big role in my life later in life as i was able to go to university and qualify as a scientist and futher more go on to study to be a PGCE student.
  • Year 6 SATs

    Sat my year 6 SATs which was my first incounter towards to the word "EXAM."
  • Secondary Education

    I started my secondary education in Saltley School, next step up from primary school.
  • "Every Child Matters"

    Every Child Matters (ECM) was launched in 2003, at least partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbié. It is one of the most important policy initiative and development programmes in relation to children and children's service. It has been the title of three government papers, leading to the Children Act 2004.
  • GCSE results

    Stress levels rise till the doors open to get the GCSE results from school. I achieved the grades I needed and finally was able to move on to specialise in paticular A-levels to suit my taste.
  • JCC

    Moved on from college to do A-levels in biology, chemistry, maths and physics. As well as receiving EMA from the college i also recieved alot of homework and found out what a great step Alevels are compared to GCSEs.
  • Wolves University

    Graduated from JC college with A levels in biology, chemistry and maths and started Bsc at the university of wolverhampton in Pharmacology.
  • Introduction of A* in A levels

    The A* grade was introduced at A-Level for the first time.
    One in twelve exams (8%) were awarded the new A* grade.
  • First shool based job

    Started my first job in the education department in a secondary school where i worked at an inclusion assistant.
  • welcome back to wolves

    Come back to wolverhampton University to start my PGCE course in Sceiece.