
Harry Truman timeline

  • Truman's birth

    Truman's birth
    Harry Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri
  • Truman's graduation

    Truman's graduation
    Harry had graduated from Independence High school
  • Harry enlisted in the military

    Harry enlisted in the military
    He had served from 1905-191, and had been sent into combat multiple times
  • Harry Truman's wedding

    Harry Truman's wedding
    Harry married Bess Truman, they had one child, Margret Truman Daniel
  • Trumans presidency

    Trumans presidency
    Truman was swarn in after his president FDR had died earlier that day
  • Trumans first bomb dropping

    Trumans first bomb dropping
    On this day Truman had dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • Trumans second bomb dropping

    Trumans second bomb dropping
    He dropped a second attomic bomb a few days after on Nagaski
  • trumans 21 point plan

    trumans 21 point plan
    Truman presents his plan to congress
  • Truman gives speech

    Truman gives speech
    Truman had given his "Truman Doctrine" speech to congress
  • Truman creates the Federal Employee Loyalty program

    Truman creates the Federal Employee Loyalty program
    This order’s purpose was to ensure loyalty against communism in the federal government.
  • Trumans veto was overrided

    Trumans veto was overrided
    Trumans veto of the Taft-Hartley act was overrided
  • Truman addresses NAACP

    Truman addresses NAACP
    Truman was the first president to address this
  • Trumans re-election

    Trumans re-election
    Harry was re-elected for a second term
  • Truman requests civil rights legislation

    Truman requests civil rights legislation
    Truman sends a message to Congress asking for legislation to secure the civil rights of the nation's minorities.
  • Truman is democratic parties nominee

    Truman is democratic parties nominee
    Truman accepts the democratic party nomination
  • Truman signs act

    Truman signs act
    Truman signs the housing act
  • The soviet union got a bomb

    The soviet union got a bomb
    Truman had announced how the soviet union had detonated a bomb
  • Truman announces another bomb

    Truman announces another bomb
    Truman announces how the US will develop a hydrogen bomb
  • Truman announces where hes sending troups

    Truman announces where hes sending troups
    He announced he is sending troups to Korea
  • US had a counter attack

    US had a counter attack
    United states had successfully done a counter attack