Harry Houdini

  • Harry Houdini was born.

    Harry Houdini was born.
    Harry Houdini or Erik Wisz was born on March 24, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary.
  • Harry Houdini ( Erik Weise) moved to Wisconsin.

    Harry Houdini ( Erik Weise) moved to Wisconsin.
    His father was the first from his family to move to the United States then he moved his whole family to Appleton, Wisconsin. Since he came over to America he was an immigrant.
  • Eirk puts on his first show.

    Eirk puts on his first show.
    In Erik's early years he sold newspapers and shined shoes to support his family. At the age of nine, Erik put on his first show which was a trapeze act and called himself " The Prince of Air."
  • Harry and his brother performed together.

    Harry and his brother performed together.
    Eirk and his brother Theo traveled as far as west as
    Chicago. and were known as " The Houdini Bothers." They performed during the 1893 World Fair.
  • Harry Houdini marries Bess.

    Harry Houdini marries Bess.
    Harry Houdini marred Bess Houdini and they were known as "The Houdini's." They worked for several years together.
  • Harry Houdini movie career.

    Harry Houdini movie career.
    Harry Houdini launched his first film called "Merveilleux Exploit de Celebre Houdini Paris." which was all about his escapes. His other films were "The Master Mystery", "The Grim Gem and Terror Island."
  • He purchased his first plane.

    He purchased his first plane.
    Harry Houdini purchased his first plane and set out to become the first person to fly over Australia in 1910. He jumped off the plane wearing a straightjacket and he was successful.
  • Harry Houdini wrote two of his own books.

    Harry Houdini wrote two of his own books.
    Harry Houdini wrote two books. "Miracle Mongers and their Methods" and "A Magician Among the Spirits." They both exposed fake mediums.
  • Harry Houdini dies.

    Harry Houdini dies.
    Harry Houdini was punched in the stomach at the age of 52. He performed that night and passed out on stage. He was rushed to the hospital and died a few weeks later. He died when his appendix ruptured and became Inflamed. He died in Detroit, Michigan on Halloween night.
  • "No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth"

    "No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth"
    What it means is that you should always practice first before you start doing something without practice. That's what Harry Houdini is that he practice before he started.
  • "My brain is the key that sets me free."

    "My brain is the key that sets me free."
    He trained his mind and body everyday through meditation more then any other person had ever done.
  • "What the eyes see and the ears hear,the mind believes."

    "What the eyes see and the ears hear,the mind believes."
    He wanted the audience to think that he was cutting a woman in half so the eyes see the woman getting cut in half and then the hears hear the cutting of the woman so the mind must believes .