Haitian revolution

Haitian Revolution

By elent
  • White planters wanted independence from revolutionary France

  • Haitian Revolution begins

    Haitian Revolution begins
    Dutty Boukman, former slave and voodoo priest, organized a slave rebellion where they burned down fields and homes. Many people consider this the start of the revolution.
  • France declares themselves a republic

    France declares themselves a republic
    France abolishes their absolute monarchy and exacutes Louis XVI a year later.
  • Britain & Spain try to weaken Saint Domingue

    Britain & Spain try to weaken Saint Domingue
    Britain and Spain tried to get help for their side agreeing to give land to rebel leaders that come to help the Europeans. Louverture tried to trick the Spanish and join their side.
  • French abolish slavery

    French abolish slavery
    The French government abolishes slavery in French colonies
  • Spain signs treaty

    In the wake of several losses in Europe and the Caribean for the French, Spain signs a treaty agreeing to leave Hispaniola.
  • Louverture kicked the English off the island

    Louverture kicked the English off the island after the Spanish left.
  • Louverture creates a constitution for Hati to follow

    This constitution abolishes slavery for the citizens but also outlaws slavery and makes Louverture their ruler for life. Many people wee not happy about this and thought of it as another form of slavery.
  • Louverture stopped rebel from his citizens

    Louverture was able to stop people from rebelling but they were still mad at him.
  • Napolean sent troops to invade Saint Domingue

    Napolean was furious that the constitution had gone too far and he gave Saint Domingue too much power, so he sent troops to invade.
  • The French returned their tactics with charging for their damage

    The French make Saint Domingue pay for the damage they had done to the island and it takes them over a hundred years to pay it.
  • Dessalines leads the people of Saint Domigue

    Dessalines leads the people of Saint Domigue
    When he lead the people he used a scorched earth policy to get the French to leave the island.
  • The French restore slaverly in the surrounding countries

    The French reinstate slavery in their other colonies and tell Saint Domingue if they stop fighting they won't reinstate slavery there. But the people of Saint Domingue kept fighting.
  • Louverture's captured

    Louverture's captured
    Louverture was tricked into attending a meeting where is was captured by the French.
  • The French invaded Saint Dominguq

    Many of Louverture's people switched to fight for the the French,