Gun Rights Timeline

  • Restriction of felons purchasing firearms

  • Supreme Court Case "United States v. Miller"

    Supreme court case “United States v. Miller” ruled that through the National Firearms Act of 1934, congress can regulate interstate sale of a short barrel shotgun.
  • Banning of guns with "no sporting purpose"

    Assassination of president JFK, Senator Robert Kennedy, and MLK caused a push of The Gun Control Act of 1968, banning the importation of guns that have “no sporting purpose”.
  • Firearm Owners Protection Act

    The passing of a new act called “Firearm Owners Protection Act”. Adding laws such as the prevention of national registry of dealer records, and gun measurements.
  • The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

    The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, named after white house executive James Brady. Was made after the attempted assassination of President Bill Clinton, requiring background checks when purchasing weapons.
  • District of Columbia v. Heller

    Summary. District of Columbia v. Heller was the first time in several decades that the Supreme Court interpreted the words of the Second Amendment. The case involved a ban on handguns in the home.