Groepper, Otte

  • WWI- Cause and spark

    WWI- Cause and spark
    WWI was caused by nationalism amognst European countries. Many aliances were formed between those countries. WWI began when a Serbian murdered Archduke Ferdinand. WWI was known as the Great War until the second world war
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Soldiers would dig deep trenches (ditches). These trenches were deep enough for a man to stand and walk around with a few feet of earth above his head. When the time came to fight they would climb ladders and stick their heads out just enough to see. This was the first war with machine guns.
  • Overthrowing Tsar Nicholas

    Overthrowing Tsar Nicholas
    Tsars were the absolute rulers of Russia for hundreds of years. In 1917, during the Russian Revolution Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown. Vladimir Lenin quickly took his place, and communism was established in Russia, which became the Soviet Union.
  • The Communist Party

    The Communist Party
    The Communist party was formed in Russia (later renamed USSR). In Communism the government had control over the economy and gave everyone equal shares of money and food. The leader, a dictator, was self appointed.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty that ended World War I was aigned at Versailles, a French palace. In the treaty were specifications and restrictions for Germany and Austria-Hungary. Also each country had to pay a lot of money to the winning countries for rebuilding and repaying purposes.
  • The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties
    The Roring Twenties was a period of great economic sucess for the United States. It enjoyed great wealth due to being on the winning side of World War I. Many people bought new electronics such as radios for the first time. Jazz music flourished. The US was richer than any country had ever been.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Joseph Stalin came to power andpunished or killed anyone who opposed him. He set up prison camps. He is responsible for 10 million deaths of his own citizens.
  • America During the Depression

    America During the Depression
    The day the stock market crashed in the United States is known as Black Tuesday because it led to one of the greatest and longest recessions in US history.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression started after the stock market crash of 1929. Everyone went to get thier money from the bank, but the banks ran out of money. Then no one had money and could not buy food, clothes, and housing. This era of poverty was called the Great Depression.
  • Roosevelt's New Deal

    Roosevelt's New Deal
    Roosevelt Closed all banks and inspected the health of them. He got many new jobs by opening National parks. He had many acts and organizations to keep open farms and get jobs.
  • Hoovervilles

    Hoovervilles sprang up all over the south during the Great Depression. Hoovervilles were towns that were made out of anything people could find.
  • WWII- Nazi Germany

    WWII- Nazi Germany
    When Hitler took power, Germany was desperate. Germany was hungry and broke. Hitler promised to make Germany great by killing the upper class, which mostly consisted of Jews. WWII began with Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939. Nazi Germany was responsible for killing over 6 million Jews in WWII.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The first concentration camp was Dachau was established in 1933. In the concentration camps the Nazis killed millions of Jews. The Jews were fed pourly and were forced to work.
  • Bombing Pearl Harbor

    Bombing Pearl Harbor
    The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on the US to scare them into being neutral in World War II. This lead to the US declaring war on the Empire of Japan, one of the main conflicts of WWII in the Pacific Theater.
  • Atomic Bombs on Japan

    Atomic Bombs on Japan
    America bombed Japan twice, once in Nagasaki and once Heroshima. They used the atomic bomb on Japan. The bombs killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. The bombs ended the war in the Pacific.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    The Soviet Union and the US after WWII were the greatest superpowers in the world. The were locked in Cold War, a war without fighting. Both used the threat of nuclear bombs. The US and USSR were also battling between governments and economies, communism vs. capitalism. The war ended when the soviet Union colapsed in 1991.
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    North Korea was a communist country. In 1950 they invaded South Korea which started The Korean War. America joined the war and the war eventually ended in a stalemate.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    One of the main fighting wars during the Cold War was the Vietnam War between communist North Vietnam and capitalist South Vietnam. The United States sent troops to help the South, but North Vietnam won, and communism was established.
  • The End of The Cold War

    The End of The Cold War
    The Cold War ended in 1989. Communism collapsed and could not gain money. Capitolism made more money.The citizens did not like it, and the Soviet Union broke into several smaller countries and was renamed Russia.