
Greatest inventions of the 21st century.

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    Greatest inventions of the 21st century.

  • Facebook

    In 2004, Facebook first hit the internet. It's a social network where you can communicate, and hear new information about the people you know.
  • Youtube

    Youtube first started in 2005! You can watch video's of many different things. Just search it in the search bar.
  • Google Android

    Google Android
    Google Android was invented in 2005. It's a type of cellular device.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    The Wii was invented in 2006, and at the time was very popular. It's a game console with a cordless remote control, and you can make it do whatever you do basically.
  • iPhone

    The very first iPhone was invented in 2007, personally it's my favorite kind of phone.
  • Flip Mino

    Flip Mino
    The flip mino was invented in 2008.
  • iPad

    The iPad was realeased in 2009. It's another apple product which you can do many different things on.
  • Tesla Roadster

    Tesla Roadster
    The Tesla Roadster is a battery charged vehicle, and was released in 2011!
  • Tesla Electric Car Charger

    Tesla Electric Car Charger
    This charger for the car, was fully designed and working by 2012.