Great Depression Timeline

  • the construction boom ends

    the construction boom ends
    as the economy goes down the construction across the country
  • Period: to

    Great Depression Timeline

  • U.S. Stock Prices Fall

    U.S. Stock Prices Fall
    the fall of stock prices is dropping in prices quickly
  • Stock Market Crash (black Tuesday)

    Stock Market Crash (black Tuesday)
    the worse stock market crash in the history of the U.S the market lost $30 billon in two days
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff
    steeply raising import tax's to a attempt to protect America manufactures from foreign competition
  • Reconstruction Finance Corperation

    Reconstruction Finance Corperation
    the corporation aimed to loan money to bank and rail roads to keep them from going bankrupt
  • 100,000 Total banks have failed

    100,000 Total banks have failed
    100,000 bank fail cause the crippling the economy
  • The New Deal Begins

    The New Deal Begins
    his began to help the economy it implemented things like minimum wage and maximum work week and child labor laws
  • Unemployment Hits

    Unemployment Hits
    Unemployment sky rockets 25 Percent
  • Hitler Comes to power

    Hitler Comes to power
    Germany economic desperation hitler was able to push his way to the top by turning the economy around
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt turned around America's Unemployment rate was 25% it had fallen to 14.3%
  • Roosevelt Reelected

    Roosevelt Reelected
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected for another term
  • Agricultural adjustment act

    Agricultural adjustment act
    The agricultural adjustment act established a minimum wage and maximum work week