Globalization is gooooood!

  • Smile someone is typing :)

    :-) is used for the first time.
  • Microsoft.

    Microsoft released Windows 1.0 on this date in histroy. This was the first windows program to be released.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft releases Windows 2.0.
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall.

    When the Berlin Wall fell down it opened up trade barriers and connected east Germany back into the world.
  • Hello web connection.

    The world wide web is launched.
  • First Smart Phone is Created.

    The first smart phone released was the IBM Simon.
  • Age of Connectivity.

    On 8/9/95 the internet went around and became public. This was a big opening in the world of globalization because it forever connected the entire world.
  • Microsoft.

    On this date Microsoft released Windows 95 selling a record seven million copies in just five short weeks.
  • Google.

    Google is first launched as a research project.
  • Globalization 3.0

    Globalization 3.0 began in the 2000's and is the present point of globalization that we are in. Its primary players were Individuals.
  • Apple.

    Apple introduces a new line of technology called the Ipod.
  • Apple

    Apple begins to sell the new line of Ipods.
  • Wikiiiiii.

    Wikipedia is first launched.
  • Myspace is the place to be.

    Myspace is created and launched to the public.
  • Youtube a place to laugh.

    Youtube is first launched.