Gilded Age and Progressive Era

By bgaskov
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold is struck in California near Sacramento and it leads to a Gold Rush. Many chinese immigrants come to California because of this.
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  • Native Reservation Creation

    Native Reservation Creation
    The US wanted to move Western, so they moved the natives on reservation. It gave the whites a chance to claim their own territory westward without having to worry about the natives.
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    Wild West

  • Tamany Hall

    Tamany Hall
    Very notorious machine politiacally during Gilded Age. Controlled elections so that the democrats could win. It is led by Boss Tweed.
  • Indian Wars

    Indian Wars
    The Americans trying to settle in the west didn't last for long. The indians were not happy with their land being taken and they wanted to get them back. This led to a lot of violence between the two, causing decades of war.
  • Knites of Labor

    Knites of Labor
    Knites of Labor are not the first labor union, but they are the first to be successful doing it.
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  • The Lakota War

    The Lakota War
    US government wanted to take some of the indians land for the use of miners. The chief was not happy with that. The didn't want to be bribed either. He declared that he was going to fight back to defend the land.
  • Civil Rights Act

    This act guranteed African Americans rights in the South, when before they didn't have any.
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  • Railroad Strike

    The railroad strike in '77 was a big deal beause it was a big industry at the time and they neede to be able to keep things going.
  • Nativists

    Nativists are not happy with all the immigrants, so an act called the California Constitution prevents chinese workers from having equal rights.
  • Farmers Revolt

    Farmers Revolt
    The Farmers Revolt led to a lot of problems because people couldn't get their food when there were no farmers to get it for them.
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  • Bureau of Immigration

    Bureau of Immigration
    The Bureau of Immigration is established so that there are health qualifications that immigrants needed to pass in order to come into America. After staying on boats for so long, most did not pass.
  • Closure of Western Frontier

    Closure of Western Frontier
    Paying no attention to the native Americans, the US closed the frontier of the western world. It was believed to have enough hardships and that the US should be more civilized.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island opened in 1892 in New York. Immigrants had come into Ellis Island hoping to start a new life in the free world but usually being turned down.
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  • Rise of Trusts

    Rise of Trusts
    Economic concentration was used by big business owners. They used it to dominate everyone else. People in this business were steel, oil, sugar, meatpacking, and agricultural machinery.
  • Growth in Child Labor

    Growth in Child Labor
    This was a time of huge child labor laws. 1 in 6 children between 10 and 15 hada job. Children as young as 5even had jobs.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Coal miners strike and Theodore Roosevelt uses this as his chance to become useful, forcing two sides to come together.
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    Industrial Workers of the World
    The Industrial Workers of the World is founded, helping to get businesses to treat their employee's better.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Congress makes it a rule that food and drugs have to be checked to see if they're clean before they're sold.
  • Minimum Wage

    Minimum Wage
    Massachusettes is the first state to pass a law about minimum wage in America. This starts a revolution.
  • Henry Ford Assembly Line

    Henry Ford Assembly Line
    Henry Ford started the use of the production line. It was a resolution in the US. It helped people create more and make more money.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    In a Colorado strike for a coal mine 13 women and 7 men are killed. People realize how out of hand strikes can get.
  • Keating-Owens Act

    Keating-Owens Act
    The Keating Owens act gave standards to how one can work. Most of the standards only applied to women and children.
  • Time Zones

    Time Zones
    Becuase of the use of trains in America, people needed to have specified times so they could get on the right train at the right time. To do this they created standard time and time zones for all areas of the US.