
  • Founding of Germany

  • German Invasion of Poland

    Led by Hitler, Germany invaded Poland and eventually took it over. Since Poland is located next to Germany, its conquering allowed Germany to expand its size.
  • Germany conquers Norway

    On this day, Hitler led Germany into Norway. During WWII, Germany rose to become a large European power, by taking over many countries, like Norway.
  • Germany conquers Denmark

    On the same day as their invasion of Norway, Germany invaded Denmark across the water. Led by Hitler, the German troops used Denmark to control the waters and monopolize on their European expansion.
  • Germany conquers Holland

    After a six day, blitzkreig-like battle, Holland surrenders to Germany, led by Hitler. The conquering of Holland allowed for Germany to expand their reign over Europe during World War II.
  • Germany conquers France

    On this date, the French signed an armistice in surrender to Germany, led by Hitler. The addition of France greatly grew the country and increased Germany's power